Chapter 1: A nightmare coming to life

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Parrot lately has been very tired. But I mean who wasn't? The Cleansing made everyone anxious. Especially him. His friend, his one and only best friend was the leader of the so called Cleansers. A group made of four people: Mapicc, LeoW0ok, PrinceZam and Spoke. Their goal at that time was unknown, all he knew about them is they kill everyone and I mean EVERYONE in their way. Be their enemy or their former ally, you will be killed.

Not to mention they were using banned, illegal items. Considering the fact that Parrot is the admin, it is his duty to keep people from using them. But how could he stop them, he thought to himself.

Until someone interrupted him, a certain someone named ClownPierce.

"Parrot, my old friend, how are you doing?" "...I'm doing fine" the avian responded after a bit of hesitation, knowing Clown was scheming something. "Can I trust you?" "Yes" Parrot nodded as Clown continued his monologue "I would love if you could join our team with Branzy, Rekrap, Ash and me" "What's in it for me?" he asked interested in the proposal.

"Hearts, many hearts because we're gonna betray the dirties" said Clown knowing Parrot would never turn down a proposal like this "I'm in" said Parrot already having a plan in his mind.

"Very good, see you soon gentleman" "See you" he said as Clown left the call.

He obviously wasn't joining them. Parrot lied to Clown, even he didn't want to get on the villain's bad side. Now there was only one choice left to be made, either he joins: the Dirties because his ally and friend Ro was one too or the Cleansers because his best friend Spoke was the leader.

He knew he couldn't make a choice without talking to him, Spoke.
Just like in one part season 2, the two were against each other. For Parrot this was like a nightmare coming to life, history repeating itself, repeating the worst part. Bringing back old memories of pointless conflicts.

The hybrid felt more uneasy than ever, he was upset, he wanted to cry and scream at the same time. He felt worse than ever, not any wound was worse than now and to make it even worse a war was coming soon, he had to choose.

But then he heard something. A song. As he tried to follow the noise it only led him to even more questions.

To be continued...
I know it's short but this chapter's only purpose was the set up the plot for the upcoming parts :D

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