Chapter 6: New enemies

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'Ro, Mapicc what are you doing here? What did you do to Spoke?'
'Don't worry Parrot, we are on the same side as you' Ro said while collecting the redstone from the floor.

'No you are clearly not, you kidnapped Spoke!'
'We didn't kidnap him. Someone is trying to silence him and every friend of his. Including you and us.' Ro said after disarming the trap made by him and Mapicc.

'Yeah, we made this trap to catch that person, but we failed and now we have no idea where Spoke is.'
'Wait so did they send me and Spoke to that place?'
'Most likely, yes-'
'Sorry Ro, Mapicc but that's impossible. If it was really them, how do they know the song me and Spoke listened to in the past?'

'I don't think you listened to it,'
'It was an illusion set up by them...' Mapicc continued Ro's sentence.
'Maybe they brainwashed you while you were sleeping?'
'Why only us?'
'Not just you... It happened to Ro and me aswell'

'So you knew what was happening to us? You could've helped us, but you didn't. We had to go through hell and you didn't help?'
'Calm down. We wanted to help you, but we couldn't. Whichever person did that, they are very good at making traps...'

'But who' Mapicc and Parrot asked.
'Someone from the opposing team like Vitalasy or Clo-'

'SpokeIsHere: 2500 30 -170 help'
'ParrotX2: I'm on my way'
'ClownPierce: There's no need to worry Parrot  I will go there. You can rest.'
'SpokeIsHere: .'
'Mapicc: Spoke?'

'It was Clown all along! We need to help Spoke now!'
'Not you Parrot. You are injured, we will go help Spoke.' Ro said after taking his sword out from an enderchest.
'If you say so... But please, be safe'
'Don't worry, we will.' Mapicc said before closing the door and running to the coords Spoke sent them.

'I see your friends left... Now you're all alone'
'Branzy? What are you doing here? What do you want from me?'


'Ro will we get there in time?'
'I hope so...'

'We are at the coords he sent us... Why is nothing here?'

'Roshambogames: Spoke, we're here'
'SpokeIsHere: I'm sorry'

'Roshambogames was slained by ClownPierce'
'Mapicc was slained by Rekrap2'


'What the hell?
'Parrot it looks like all your friends are dead, and you will join them soon.'
'Why?! I joined your little team with Clown, Rek and Ash?'
'You did?'

'ClownPierce: Branzy don't hurt Parrot he's with us'
'SpokeIsHere: Parrot?'
'SpokeIsHere messaged to you: Just play along'
'You messaged to SpokeIsHere: Ok'
'ParrotX2: I'm sorry Spoke but I had to'

'It looks like you are with us... I guess you can stay alive for now. But I gotta go help my team. You should get some rest, because your wounds are not looking very good.'
'Okay, thanks Branzy.'

Parrot's POV:

Something doesn't add up...

Thanks for reading :)

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