Chapter 8

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At Zam's base:

'Hi Zam!'
'Hi Ro! Is there anything you need?'
'Well, yes'
'I only asked this to be polite, but I guess now I have to help you, right?'

'Yes. It would take a lot of time to tell the whole story so I will tell you the more important details'
'Don't tell me you did something to spawn'
'No. At least not this time. Spoke is trapped in an obsidian box with no gear. We need to get him out before Clown kills him'

'So you need gear from me?'
'Yeah, sorry, it's my fourth time asking for it'
'Don't worry, we are allies so I would gladly help you anytime'
'Thanks Zam, you're a lifesaver'


'Okay so I believe that's all of it done. Diamond armor and tools, 5 enderpearls and food'
'It is, thank you. I will give it back to you as soon as we're done'
'You can keep it'

'ClownPierce joined the game'

'Oh shoot, sorry Zam, but I have to go'
'Good luck and please be careful'
'I will try'


'Roshambogames messaged to you: Parrot I have the gear'
'You messaged to Roshambogames: Okay, I'm going to tell Spoke and Mapicc to VC'

'ParrotX2: Mapicc and Spoke do you want to VC?
'ClownPierce: Can I come too?'
'ParrotX2: Sorry Clown, but we are going to talk about American things, you wouldn't understand'
'ClownPierce: That's a bit suspicious, are you planning something?'
'Roshambogames: No'
'ClownPierce: If you say so, have fun then...'

Sorry for the long wait, but my finger is doing much better now :)

~Sorry for the long wait, but my finger is doing much better now :)

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