Chapter 4: Raising suspicion

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mentions of bl0od and de4th

'Hey, don't worry I'm sure they are fine...I'm sure' Parrot said, trying to comfort Spoke.
'Why would she say good luck then? Something terrible happened probably and now it's going to happen to me'
'Spoke, calm down, I'm going to protect you. If you want I can call my friend and he will help us'

'Uh... It doesn't matter, he's just a good friend of mine...' the hybrid said, he doesn't want to mess up anything in the past.
'But if you want me to trust him, I will have to know his name'
'I also know someone named Ro that's so cool!'
'Yeah it sure is...'

Good thing Spoke didn't get suspicious, if he did Parrot would've had a lot explaining to do...

'You know what Spoke I'm going to text him right now'

Parrot's POV:

'You can come back'
'Ro? What happened'
'What do you mean you can come back, come back where?'
'What? Spoke's house. We met there yesterday, you know, right?'
'Parrot... We haven't talked since last week'
'Then who did I meet yesterday?'
'I'm sorry, but I have no idea.'
'I have to go now, sorry'
'Okay, be safe out there'

Now thinking about it I'm not that surprised, but I don't get it, how did I get my communicator and phone back? I thought someone took them... And who was that I met-

'Spoke? SPOKE?'

Oh shoot where is he? Not in his bedroom, not in the bathroom, nowhere...
Blood? It's leading down the stairs... The basement. There is more and more blood, is that Spoke's... Did he actually d!e? There's no way. Did he get kidnapped? Everything is leading to the basement...

Oh my... I'm getting flashbacks because of that door. But I have to go in. To get answers, to help Spoke.

He was right back where he started. The same black hallway...

'Hi Parrot'
'Who are you? What are you-'

'Parrot please calm down I am Spoke and I'm just as clueless as you'
'How did you get here?' Parrot said now more confused then he ever was.
'I got here through an old greyish door. I know it sound really weird but I was in your past before I got here'
'Literally the same thing happened to me, except I was in your past'

'That's so cool... Can you tell me what happened? It was so long ago I can't even remember what happened' the older said. He wanted learn more about his past, because his childhood memories had completely faded.

The avian after a bit of hesitation said 'It actually wasn't that long ago like 7 to 8 years in the past, but if you say so... It first started when your parents went on vacation-'

'I don't have parents and I know that for a fact, and I'm much older than 17. But I saw the same thing happen to young you... Your parents left you and went on vacation'

'Spoke... My parents never went on vacation without my brother and I'

'Did you meet Mapicc while being in my past?'
'No, but I did meet Ro... They are on the same team right?'
'Well kinda... Ro just joined the Cleansers like a day before I got in your "past"... Do you think it's their doing?'

'There is a chance, but I'm not sure because when I texted Ro he didn't know what I was talking about'
'Mapicc did the same thing, but they could've been acting, you know?'

'Yeah, your right' Parrot said. He tried texting Ro but his communicator disappeared once again.

'We need to find an exit and ask them about all of this, but definitely not today' Spoke said in a tired tone it was 4 AM he just wanted to get some sleep.

Thank you for reading, see you next time :D

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