Chapter 7: The plan

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Parrot's POV:

I don't understand... Where is Ro and Mapicc? They should've arrived here by now, their spawn point isn't far from here...

Did they get spawn trapped? No, only Spoke and I know their spawn point... Spoke.
He wouldn't betray us, surely he would never.

But then who was it?


Spoke's  POV:

I'm stuck in a 4 by 4 obsidian box with no items and mining fatigue... There's no way I can escape by myself.
I need Parrot's help.

'You messaged to ParrotX2: I'm kinda stuck in an obsidian box with no way to escape by myself'
'ParrotX2 messaged to you: So you need my help?'
'You messaged to ParrotX2: YES'
'ParrotX2 messaged to you: Can I ask Ro and Mappicc for help?'
'You messaged to ParrotX2: Aren't they our number one suspects tho? You know when we got trapped in the past?'

'ParrotX2 messaged to you: Yes, they were. But trust me they are clear of suspicion. Clown is the number one suspect.'
'You messaged to ParrotX2: That's true he kinda trapped me. Ok, you can ask them for help.'

'ParrotX2: Ro, Mappicc are you here?'
'Roshambogames: We're on our way. Sorry we're late but Mappicc almost got killed by a creeper, so we had to back to the base'
'Mapicc: It was not my fault'
'SpokeIsHere: Sounds like a skill issue to me tbh'
'Mapicc: I'm not the one who got kidnapped'
'ParrotX2: Guys shut up, we need to get Spoke out of there'

'Mapicc: Nah we can leave him there'
'Roshambogames: Mapicc be serious please'
'Roshambogames: We're here'
'ParrotX2: Wanna VC?
'SpokeIsHere: Yeah'


'So how are you gonna get me out of here?'
'What is the prison like?'
'Yeah to make a plan we need to know.'

'Okay, so it's a 4 by 4 obsidian box. It probably has more layers, but I'm not too sure about that. And-'
'Is there mining fatigue?'

'I was about to say that Mapicc, if you wouldn't have interrupted me.'
'My bad.'
'But yes there is.'

'I have a plan. Mapicc's going to find the guardians while I drink milk and try to break Spoke out. Ro's going to guard the place just in case Clown or his team joins.'
'That's a great plan!'

'It has its own flaws.'
'What, why Mapicc?'
'How many hearts is Spoke on?'
'We won't be able to protect him. He can be two shotted.'
'You can give me gear.'
'We don't have backup gear and your villagers were unalived by Clown.'

'I know someone who could help.'
'Who is it Ro?'

Thank you so much for reading!

Also, exams should be illegal.

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