Chapter 2: An unexpected meeting

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As Parrot was following the noise, he found himself in a hallway, except it was no ordinary hallway. More like a pitch black room which doesn't have any end to it.

He immediately tried to run back to where he came from, but to his surprise he didn't see the outside world, but a door.

"Oh great, I just ran into a trap. How can I be so stupid? I can't trust anything on this server at this point... And this door, should I open it? It is a very bad decision, but it looks like it's my only choice. I'm gonna explore the environment a bit more and if I can't find anything... I guess I will have to open it."

After almost an hour of exploring he found nothing. He was low on food and was getting more tired by every minute. He was starting to lose hope for a potential exit.

Hours and hours were passing by, but after all that time he made a game changing realization.

"Wait what am I doing, I could try to contact one of my friends."

But things were not going as he hoped for...

"Oh God... Where is my communicator, I can't find it? Someone must have taken it... And if that's not enough only Mapicc is online and we are not exactly on good terms... It's really hopeless isn't it?"

Now even more tired and hungry, he went back to the door.

"I guess I really have to open this. At this point nothing can be worse than this..."

The hybrid slowly opened the door. It wasn't what he was expecting, he thought it will be a death trap and for a minute he actually thought he died.

He didn't. The avian just got knocked out, by what or who, he still doesn't know to this day. It's probably not that important


"Hello Mr, are you okay?" asked a little black haired boy. He was around 9-10 years old and to his age he was actually very brave.

"I-I'm fine, thank you little one. Can I ask you, where exactly are we?" "You are in our garden right behind our house. Why?"

"I- uh, Where are your parents? If you can get them I would really appreciate it, I think I need to talk to them."

"They went on vacation..."  "Why aren't you with them? AND WHY ARE YOU ALONE?"

"There is no reason to worry Mr Stranger, I have a babysitter. Mom and dad wanted to take a two week long break from parenting or something..."

"And where is your babysitter right now?" asked Parrot. He is not a parent but he could tell this is not how parents or babysitters should act with a child.

"She paid me 1000$ to not tell mom and dad she went home to her boyfriend... I am so rich I know. :)"

"That is so messed up..." Poor child he deserves more attention. "Hey little one, what's your name?" continued Parrot.

"I'm- MOMMY TOLD ME NOT TO TELL MY NAME TO STRANGERS!"  "Uh you are right, but you know you can trust me"

"Mhm, no. That is exactly what someone trying to kidnap me would try to say."

"Oh my..." I swear this child will make me go insane. Reminds me of a certain someone.

"Okay my name is Parrot. Will you trust me now?"  "Let me think a bit... Still no."

"Bro, what the actual heck? At least can you tell me your family name?"  "Nope. Mr Parrot your name is very pretty but that doesn't mean I will tell you mine."

"Thank you, you little spawn of Satan-"

"I AM NOT A 'SPAWN OF SATAN' I'M SPOKE! Oh uh no no no no I am definitely not Spoke I'm uh... Max, yea Max, hehe"


"I... I am... I'm Definitely Max, when are your parents arriving?" He really is Spoke... Now I know why he reminded me of him. Little Spoke was so... innocent? Yea, innocent is a good word. Who or what made him change so much?

"I'M MAX NOT I'M DEFINITELY MAX. Oh yeah, they will come home in around six days. I-I really miss them..." Said 'Max' while struggling with tears.

"Oh God... Come here 'Max', please" said the avian in shock. He was angry at the boy's parents but felt bad for the child, he really, really doesn't deserve this treatment.

Parrot hugged 'Max'.

After some time sobs turned into loud crying. The hybrid wanted to find and honestly, slap his parents and babysitter in the face. Twice, with a chair which is made of metal.

"You know what Mr Parrot. I trust you. My name actually is Spoke"

"Hey Spoke, you can call me just Parrot. Is there a playground around here?"  "There is one a bit away from the store, why?"

"What if I take you there?"  "I WOULD LOVE TO GO!" Spoke said with excitement "MY PARENTS NEVER TAKE ME THERE!"

"Is it your first time going?"  "No, I went there once with my school in 1st grade."

"Oh my... Well you should try to convince your parents to take you there more!"  "I will"

They went to the playground and Spoke had so much fun. Parrot was now so curious...

"What had happened to Spoke?" He could never see this little child cause this much chaos, havoc and betrayals. Perhaps the lack of parenting. No, that wouldn't have this type of effect on him.

"Parrot! You can sleep in the guestroom for now."

"Huh? Oh Spoke, thank you so much but we aren't even home yet."  "Yeah, I just wanted to let you know you don't have to sleep outside. :)"

"Thank you, I guess?"

When they arrived home the hybrid started to wonder, where is he or why is he here. He came to the conclusion he went back into the past of Spoke through that door. And how? He had no idea.

But it was already night time and he was very tired. So like any normal human being would, went to sleep. Well not exactly, first: he isn't human, second: instead of sleeping he looked around in Spoke's house. He knew it's very unethical but he wanted answers.

Little did he know, he was not alone.

That's it for now! Thank you if you made it to this point, see you soon!

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