Chapter 10: The End

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'Spoke we're here-'
'Oh my god... That's not an ordinary box, how many layers does that thing have?!'
'It's going to take such a long time to break you out and Clown could log on at any moment'
'Don't worry Ro. I have a plan, it's not the best but that's all we can do for now'
'What is it?'

'We're going to break in from below the box, so we will be hidden. Mapicc or Ro please find a cow while I'm talking'
'For milk, right?'
'Yes because of the mining fatigue'
'Ok Ro and Parrot you stay here, I'm going to find it'

'Ro you will be guarding the place in case Clown and his team joins. Once Mapicc arrives he's going to help me break in too'
'I'm back!'
'Ok. Let's get to work then'

'This plan better work'
'Trust me Spoke we'll get you out of there'


'I believe we're halfway there'

'ClownPierce joined the game'
'Rekrap2 joined the game'
'Branzy joined the game'

'They are here!'
'Mapicc can you go help Ro? I can do this alone, just give me the gear we got from Zam'
'Ok. Ro where are you?'
'Right outside the box, Branzy and Rek have diamond armor and harming arrows'
'Got it. I'm on my way'


'Rek I'm going to d!e!'
'Just hold on a bit longer, Ash is going to log on with backup gear'
'Branzy please hold on... I can't get there right now because I am in the prison but please, just hold on a bit longer'

'Ashswag joined the game'

'Ash! Branzy needs healing potions really bad'
'Is 5 enough?'
'It's more than enough, just get here please'


'Parrot left the VC... Is he okay?'
'He must be. I'm sure nothing bad happened'
'What if he's betraying us? Spoke left too. What if they have been siding with Clown the whole time?'

'That can't be true, right?'


Parrot's POV:

How many layers does this prison have? I see name tags... Clown and Spoke? What are those two doing together, is he going to k!ll Spoke?
No, he'd be de4d by now... but then what are they doing?

'You messaged to SpokeIsHere: Are you okay? What are you doing with Clown?'
'SpokeIsHere messaged to you: Don't come in.'
'You messaged to SpokeIsHere: It is too late because I'm already in.'


'Spoke, what is Parrot doing in here?'
'He came to break me out. And now he will have to face the painful truth'
'What? What are you talking about? Spoke, what is going on?'
'Do you remember the past?'
'Well, yes? It happened like last week, how would I forget it?'

'That boy you met was past me. It was my past, with some changes. It happened much more than 8 years ago, I also did not stay at home, I went on vacation with my parents. But just like you already found out an accident happened... I passed away and I was stuck in the void for years, but when I got invited into Lifesteal season 1 I got revived'

'But why did I have to see your past?'
'I don't know. It would have been boring if you would have been stuck in a black hallway'
'Oh, that makes sense. But could you tell what the actual heck is going on?'
'Can I explain everything to Parrot?'
'Sure, go ahead'

'Spoke called the day before you got stuck and he said he knows the Cleansing won't go as planned, so he asked for my help. He wanted me to help ban everyone, including ourselves'

'Spoke? Is that true?'
'Parrot, you don't understand how messed up Lifesteal is. It's hopeless, but Parrot, if we unalive everyone in Lifesteal will finally be in peace'
'I- Oh my god... I hate that I agree with you'
'Why don't you help us then?'
'I'm in. I would never betray my closest friend'
'Thanks Parrot'

'Remember Clown the other Cleansers can't know that we talked'
'But don't you think it's a bit sus we both left their VC?'
'We have to get a good cover up...'
'Clown what if you k!ll us?'
'That's true. They will think we had a big fight and you guys lost'

'Ok, let's do it'

'SpokeIsHere was slained by ClownPierce'
'ParrotX2 was slained by ClownPierce'


'Sorry Ro and Mapicc, I couldn't win against Clown'
'I almost managed to defeat him...'
'Hey don't worry about it'

'I advise you to get out of there as soon as possible because Clown is coming for the both of you'
'But we are so close to winning'
'Okay, let's go'


At the season finale

'So you and Spoke betrayed us'


It's never too late to join us



So I guess this was the finale?
The next book I'm publishing is about Planetlord
Thanks for reading this chaotic book and I can't wait to see you in the next one :)


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