Chapter 5: Unsafe even at home

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'Spoke wake up! It's already 10 in the morning no more lazing around!'
'Just five more minutes... Please?'
'No, we need to find a way out of here, after we get home you can just sleep in your bed or something, that would be way more comfortable than just laying on the floor'
'You're right, we also need to eat something or we might starve'

The two finally got up and went to find an exit.

'You know Parrot the day of the great cleansing coming soon right?'
'I have a suspicion it might not go the way my teammates would like...' Spoke continued, he was more serious than he usually is.
'What do you mean? And what are your motives anyway?'

'Our motives are to make every single member be on the same heartcount, which is ten'
'That is actually good... Spoke you're actually doing something great, instead of causing chaos!'
'Well I still do cause some chaos, but overall we have good motive'
'But why did you bring this up so suddenly?' Parrot asked while stopping Spoke and looking into his eyes.

'I want to have you on our team, I want you to be our spy to be exact'
'I was actually thinking of joining your team the whole time, so I guess I will join you'

Parrot said, but of nowhere everything went black and soon after he fell unconscious.
When he finally woke up, he was in his bed full of bruising and had a terrible headache. He wanted answers so he checked his communicator and went to text Spoke

'Spoke what happened?'
'Everything went black. It happened to you too?'
'Yea. Where are you now?'
'I'm at my base, we should meet up there'
'Ok, on my way'

Only Planet and Jaron were online, but they would never hurt anyone. They were very peaceful.

The avian finally got to Spoke's base, but no one was there.
He went in the direction of his friend's room. On the way there he saw something red on the floor. At first he didn't think much of it, he took a closer look and it was redstone. It was a trap. The hybrid tried to run away,

'Roshambogames joined the game'
'Mapicc joined the game'

But it was already too late.

I know this chapter was short, but some stuff has been going on IRL right now.

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