The meeting

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Sylvia's POV
It was midnight and I had dressed in a neon dress. Which steals the attention of all. Of course I have always been an attention grabber.
As I entered I expected to see Daniel my fiance but when I entered I was rather met with a strong sharp scent of cologne. I had a high slit and so curfully swayed my hips to make sure of its visibitlity. As I walked by the stranger with the intoxicating perfume he stared but I ignored him. I have to find my fiance. No other man matters.

Armando's POV
I was in a relatively good mood. Because I had just taken over one of the bases of my enemy and my recent shipment was successful. And the party as going so well. Just when I lifted my glass to my lips my eyes fell on an exquisitely dressed and very beautiful lady. She had curves in all the right places.
Her body language, facial expression demanded attention and she got it. Her flawless skin was peaked by the neon lights in the room. The ... Bouncing off her dress she took he attention of all. I don't make the first move. Most of not all ladies know me and we'll I don't habe to stress to get anyone. Just maybe she could be the one to make me change or not.

Sylvia's POV
I sat in the opposite direction to the stranger who had successfully distracted me. But as Daniel approached me I quickly shifted my gaze to him.
"Daniel." I said getting up and smiling. He hugged me and we sat down. I could definitely sense something was wrong.
"What's wrong?" I asked getting worried.
"I am so sorry Sylvia but I can't go one with this." Daniel said flatly.
"With what??" I said positively confused.
"Are you breaking up with me?" I said as realization hit me.
"Yes." Daniel said looking away.
"But why?" I asked quietly.
I knew that I didn't want to cause a scene so I just got up and left.
"Sylvia!" Daniel called but I didn't turn back lest all witness me in my weakest moment.

Armando's POV
Was it me or he just made it easier? I may have eavesdropped a little on their conversation. I can't believe he wasted her time like that.
I felt a lot of anguish as I looked and saw my tear stained princess leave. Of course still with her head held up and still walking with gracious steps. Apart from her eyes, nothing else showed her state. Anyone would be fooled by this pure show of confidence even in sadness. But not me. I watched her very move and gestures. I knew she would leave soon and so I did what made most sense to me. Follow her.
But when I got outside she was gone.
Don't worry princess. I'll find you ....

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