Chapter 6

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Armando's POV
My princess was asleep and I was happy because she was looked so peaceful. Listening to the tunes I bobbed my head slowly. Suddenly I received a call which made me angry. I was fuming but I didn't want to wake her up. So I stopped the car. And went out to make a few phone calls to confirm the information I had just received.

Sylvia POV
I woke up suddenly in the car. The AC was on but the Armando was missing. I opened my eyes properly and realized we had packed in an open field. After a while of trotting I spotted him.
"Armando is everything okay?" I asked.
He didn't turn but he nodded. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing,  let me take you home princess." He said. The drive was quiet.

Armando's POV
After dropping my princess I sped as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to deal with him.
"Bring him in." I said when I got there.  My men then explained to me that he had planned with Mario's group to kidnap Sylvia. I was very angry. He dared attempting to hurt her.
"Why would your boss send you to do that?" I asked him angrily after kicking him many times. With a bloody mouth his face cracked into a smile. "The score has not been settled." That was the message for me i believe. He said laughing even more. That was when I realised he was never one of my men. He had been planted. I was enraged.

Sylvia's POV
After dropping me home he left right away, didn’t come in for anything. It was a bit strange. I just assumed he was tired after all we all have our days. Because I knew normally he would  As I was going to bed I received a message from a strange number.
“Do you still believe in the occupation of your boyfriend?” It read.

I most definitely still wasn't well. And i prefered to rest. But I needed to see for myself what the person said. So I set off to his place.

*Back to the present.*
When I got to Armando's  what I saw made me scream and a look of horror was drawn on Armando’s face as he was made aware of my presence. Without giving him another glance or a chance to explain I run. I can't believe he tortured the guy and shot him and tossed the body away.

I ran as fast as I could but somehow he caught up with me. "Sylvia." He called. He reached out for me but I shove him away. "Don't touch me with those hands." I screamed at him. "I thought I really thought it was just self defense back there when we went out. But today I realised you're nothing but a murderer."
"You brought him here and you tortured him yourself didn't you." I said.  "He tried to hurt you." He said. "No amount of explanation can help." I said.

Armando POV
"Sylvia calm down." I said trying to calm her down.  "Armando, the person was right. You lied. I must look like a fool to have just believed you. I should have been more suspicious. I should have investigated you." She went on and on. "Sylvia you're not well." I said again but she wouldn't calm down. "You're a criminal." She said looking so hurt that I hadn't told her the truth from the beginning. "I can't..." she continued. How can I convince her that what I did was to protect her. Suddenly what I dreaded the most happened....
Her face became so pale and I knew she could pass out. So I caught her before she did. "Sylvia..." I called out panicking. "Call the doctor." I shouted to my men.

*An hour later*
After the doctor checked on her. I watched her sleep. To be honest I have no idea her reaction will be. But I can only hope for the best. Soon i grew weary and I fell asleep as well.
Several hours later I felt some movement and so I opened my eyes. And when my eyes opened I saw her wide awake but she was lying very still.
"I want an explanation but I will listen to nothing but the truth." She said in an unrecognisable voice.
I guess I have no choice then.

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