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who all goin to jeans party?🧐
i'll go if y'all go

𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙞 🐩
i wasn't plannin on it tbh, but i can call in

i ain't even know that
nigga was having a party wtf

now.. y/n. let's be foreal💀
'𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙞 🐩 laughed at a message"

fuck y'all bruh 💀
let me find something to wear and
i guess i'll go

you stood up from your bed, turning up the brightness on your LED's. while walking over to your closet, jia busts through your door, two outfits in her hand. her black hair a strewn mess on top of her head.

"feminine or masculine?" raises one at a time, you bite the inside of your lip. jia was always open about her identity and how she wanted to portray herself. it's been this way for years.

"depends, who do you wanna hook up with tonight?" almost immediately, the girl drops her 'feminine' choice.

"historias supposed to be there so i'll be the part." she smiles clumsily, about to walk out when your words stopped her.

"historia? as in.. ymir's girl? don't you think that's kind of wrong?" your fingers push aside the hangers as you look for someone decent to wear for tonight, still listening to the conversation at hand.

"they don't even act like they're together in public! it's like ymir is scared of admitting it." with a small 'thump' on your bed, jia sighs. this crush on historia has undoubtedly taken its toll on the girl. y/n knew it too. jia was an open book to her and london.

"okay well, i say-" you pulled out a pair of black leather pants and white tube top. "see how tonight plays out. if ymir is still being a bitch, you know what to do." falling besides your friend, you embrace her in a tight hug, kissing the top of her messy box-dyed hair. the sound of your door creaking open drew your attention.

"damn, y'all cuddling without me?" london stood in the middle of your room, brushing her hair thoroughly, already dressed for the night. "connie's bringing us weed and liquor to pregame. i think armins the designated driver. so hurry up and get dressed, they're on the way up." before leaving out, she places a spank on your butt, sending heat to your body.

"ouch bitch! that shit hurt!" you wince in pain, releasing jia from your arms. she grabs her clothes, walking for the door.

"i'll see you in a second."

locking your door behind her, you toss on your clothes, freshening up your makeup in your rather messy bathroom.

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ILOMILO, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳.Where stories live. Discover now