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8:39𝘱𝘮 - 𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘤𝘢𝘧𝘦́

you and izacc had been working on his math and your english paper for hours now, exhaustion setting in quickly as you finish off the last sentence. you didn't know much about izacc but you could tell that he was determined. between your hours of studying, he managed to correct himself over and over again, surprising you. did he even need the help?

with a quick glance down at the bottom of your screen, you see that it was getting quite late. streets lights were on and the sidewalks barren.

"should we wrap it up for tonight? we can continue at my place tomorrow." offering, as you placed all your belongings into your tote bag.

"yeah. i should get going anyways, i have to jog back across town since the bus stopped running on this side of town an hour ago." a much deeper tone came from him, you widen your eyes, perplexed. while chuckling, he shakes his head low. "yeah. when i get tired my voice drops like balls during puberty."

"i can drive you back to your dorm if you'd like! i live on the outskirts of campus so it'll be fine."

his hazel eyes light up once he realizes that he won't have to jog another five miles back to his house. while packing up, he pulls his hoodie from over his head, exposing some of his chiseled abs and happy trail. once he rids his body of the clothing item, he immediately notices your lustful stare on his body.

"that's what working out seven days a week gets you." with a wink.

the breath in your throat gets caught before you choke out - "i wasn't staring at you."

"i never said you were." he battles.

while stepping out of the coffee shop, you trudge towards your car, feeling small rain droplets on your hands and forehead. izacc also noticing the water running down his skin, almost like without second thought, he pulls his umbrella out, placing it over your head. the coverage going noticed by you.

"thanks. i'm right here." you point at a blue bmw. quickly clicking the unlock button with the boy help the umbrella over you, you rush into the car, tossing your bags in the back. he waits until your door closes before going to the passenger side. as soon as he hops in, he takes a deep inhale.

"it's smells like cocoa butter in here."

"that's the best scent!" pulling out of the parking lot.

"i'm a vanilla lover myself so i can't agree with you."

making your way through red lights and stop signs, you and izacc talk a fair amount. about school, travels, and more. he was actually a pretty respectable person. not like most the athletes at your school.

"tomorrow? same time?" he asks.

"yeah but this time don't be late." jokingly you laugh, drowning out the sound of the storm. the boy just packs his stuff into his bag, bidding you goodbye.

"i'll try not to." with a small subtle wink.

9:50𝘱𝘮 - 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵

ILOMILO, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳.Where stories live. Discover now