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- 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 -

jia scraped the food remnants off the plates before placing them carefully into the dishwasher. soft music played in the background while she began to straighten the house up for the start of a new week. rose-scented incense burned in the living room while she wiped down the counters of the kitchen.

the girl was alone and honestly, she had no clue how to feel about it. london wasn't on speaking terms with her and you weren't there to keep her company. leaving her to do what she knows best, clean until she can't feel her hands.

but today would be different, she invited sage over for the day.

as if on queue, a knock at the front door pulls jia from her cleaning mode.

"one second!" placing the white rag down, she rushes over to the front door, swinging it open to reveal sage carrying a small box. jias face immediately lights up with happiness. coming in, sage quickly slips her shoes off before engulfing the shorter girl in a hug.

"hello beautiful. i got you something." pulling away, sage hands over the neatly wrapped box. jias eyes light up before poking her bottom lip out. "but i didn't get you anything!"

"that's okay! you invited me over. it was the least i could do. open it!" the two walk over to the sectional, taking a seat beside each other before jias hands rip open the brown paper. the other watches her face intensely, as to not miss anything. jia continues to open the box, revealing a dark green candle with something written on the side. "what's this?" she asks, fingers rubbing over the handwritten label.

"i got a candle made with my favorite scent. the writing is just a few songs i enjoy listening to or playing."

jia felt so warm in this very moment, basically pouncing on the girl to hug her. sage laughs, wrapping her arms around jias waist before letting out a genuine laugh. bending down, jia places a small kiss to sage's lips, now being held tightly. the two were locked in their own world, suffocating on the intoxicating kiss. jias was the first to pull away, trying desperately to catch her breath.

"can i ask you a question, ji?" sage blurts out, still holding onto her friend. jias looks confused before just giving a small nod.

"will you be my girlfriend?" the breath was caught in jias throat but before sage could respond, she was pulled into a kiss. the girls' lips moved in synchronization before sage pulls away, frowning a little.

"is that a yes?" jias laughs, forehead pressed against the others. "yes dummy. it's a yes."

before another kissed ensued, the front door was flung open. you stood with a boquet of flowers and connie stood behind you, holding your bags.


jias rushes from her spot on the couch, rushing to hug you while connie closes the door. slipping off your shoes, you motion to the chain dangling around your neck.

"woah! tiffany?" you nod simply. "my boyfriend got it for me."

"nuh-uh! DATING!!?" jia screams, jumping up and down with you. sage just looks at connies whose eyes are solely locked on you. she smiles a little before going to tap on his shoulder. he hums, still looking at you.

ILOMILO, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳.Where stories live. Discover now