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connie's eyes wouldn't leave the girl. a feeling of sadness and overall disgust fills your hands, your arms, legs, feet. it felt as if you were on fire.

"what're you two to each other?" raven asks, head tilting to the side a little.

"we're just-" connie starts before you cross your arms, looking at the girl.

"i'm his girlfriend."

jia and londons eyes widen. ravens mimics but not in the same way. "oh really? i hope he treats you with more respect than he did me."

connie's hand slightly brushes your back, signaling his sense of uncomfortableness.

"well we're gonna go get changed, we'll speak with y'all in a second."

the air was thick and unsettling. raven watched in envy as the boy held your hand, escorting you to your room.

the way the door slammed behind you scared the boy. he was still frozen.

"connie. what the hell was that?" he turns to look at you, eyes bloodshot.

"i don't know.. i just.. i don't know." panic ridden hands slide over his face. staring down at your feet, you try to regulate your breathing.

"do you still .., have feelings? for her? for me?"

"hey hey... don't start thinking like this again baby." his fingers lift your chin. his eyes meeting with yours as he placed a small kiss on your lips. "i only have feelings for you. now lemme help you get out of this, okay?"

his fingers grip the zipper of the dress, slowly pulling it down.

"grab me some clothes?" you ask, still holding your dress to your front. he just nods, walking to your closet. the silence was too much for you. in the next room was connie's ex. first love? you didn't know.

"stop." he says, now standing in-front if you. he held his hoodie and shorts. his eyes soft and welcoming now and honestly nothing felt right. small kisses placed themselves all over your face, collarbone, arms.

why were tears welling up? taking the clothes, you wipe away the burning sensation.

"baby come on. it's only you. i don't know why she's here but i'm not here for her. i'm here for you. don't sit here and cry over her or us." he helps you remove your dress and put on his clothes.

why would london do something like this? you knew she was trying to warn you but to go this far?

"can i just go to your house? i'm not entirely comfortable here." you ask, playing with the strings of the hoodie. no more words. he grabs a bag, starting to pack everything you needed.

how could london say that he wasn't who he says he is? he's the sweetest person you've ever met.

"let's go."

while walking out of your room, london and raven spot you two.

"wait yn you're leaving?" london asks, standing groom her spot. you just nod. "yeah i'm staying with connie for the night."

ILOMILO, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳.Where stories live. Discover now