1. Morning rush

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Denki's pov:

I woke up to a puff of purple in my face. I moved it to see non other than the love of my life. Hitoshi shinsou.

I rolled the seemingly dead body over to look at the time.

7:55 am


"Im up...the fuck..." He stared at me for a few seconds before falling back down on the bed.

"You do realize we're ganna be late for class if you don't get up now, right?"

With that he shot up and ran to our shared closet pulling out both of our uniforms but his without the tye, and mine with the skirt.

He threw it at me before stripping his grey sweatpants off.

I rolled my eyes starting to get ready myself.

"Do you think we'll be able to talk to Monoma today ?" I turned around to Toshi with stars in my eyes.

"Maybe, but I don't think we have a chance here, Denki baby."

"We'll never know until we try" I put on a shit eating grin before walking out the door

"You did not lie." He commented while following me

As we were walking we saw our Nei glaring at Mina.

He looked in our direction. His foul expression turned into one of admiration mixed with one we usually had when we stared at eachother.

He turned away, and went in the direction of his own class.

I squeezed his hand before walking in the direction of our classmate.

"Mina, what was Monoma staring at you like that for?"

"I don't know. He was walking past until he saw me then he stopped and stared. He needs some serious help. His whole little vendetta on our class is straight bull shit. Just because we're better than him he has to be a bitch about it? Okay."

My jaw clenched at his insults.

"That's just Monoma, he's been like that since first year. There's no need to call him all those names because of it."

I tried to change the subject.

"I know, I just can't help but feel that way. He's just rude and for what reason."

What she was saying felt like more of a statement than a question but either way I still shrugged.

"You both are going to be late if you don't get your ass's in this classroom, the bell is going to ring in a few seconds." From the door Toshi held a look of boredom and dispar.

Me and Mina rushed to the door and in our seats before the bell.

As soon as my ass made contact with my chair the bell ring.

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