Late nights

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I speed walked after Hitoshi, my hand still holding Nei's. The purple haired man said he was going to get chinese food which only urged me to keep walking after him. Ill even pay for myself, Nei included.

Hitoshi opened the restaurant door, letting it close in our faces. I pushed the door open, and walked behind my boyfriend who was already ordering.

"Can I have two large container of white rice, one large containers of orange chicken, A large container of beef and broccoli, A large container of pork lo'mein, ...Neito, what do you want?" The question seemed to catch the blonde off gaurd as he stuttered before answering.

"Vegetable lo'mein, please." 

"And A large container of that, please." 

"Alright, that'll be $45.72" He handed the waiter the bill. I could tell by Hitoshi's body language that he was on edge. He's never been an upfront kind of person at restaurants so I always find it sweet when he does it for me, or in this case, for us.

When the man left to make our order I finally spoke, "Sugar daddy material." Their attention snapped to me. They had shocked expressions on their faces once they realized what I ment.

"Also, you didn't ask what I wanted, Hitoshi." I folded my arms, staring up at my new found enemy.

"I placed the order for you. You get the same thing every time we come here." 

"You still could have asked." He sighed, seeming to grow annoyed.

"Hey, Hitoshi," We looked at Neito who looked nerved, "Thanks for paying for me." 

"It's whatever, paying for us makes me feel good, plus I'd rather pay than either of you do it for yourself." It went silent after that as we grew impatient, waiting for our food.

It was at least 10 minutes before the man came back with a giant ass paper bag, handing it to us with A smile. Hitoshi was getting ready to just grab it and go before he seen the way I looked at him.

"Thank you." After receiving a smile from the older man, Hitoshi darted past us. 

Introverts, am I right?

I opened the door for me and Nei before lightly jogging after Hitosgi who kept up his fast pace towards who knows where.

"Hitoshi, waittt!" He slowed down only a little bit which was still hardforNei to catch up. He's always been a fast walker, well, unless he wanted to purposely agitate you by walking slow as hell.

"We've been off of school grounds for two hours, almost three, Denki." Me and Nei shared a look before speeding up slightly.

"I can't afford to get in trouble, I've gotten too many calls this week." Nei sounded frustrated.

"What'd you do?" Hitoshi asked. Neito let out a deep grumbled sigh before speaking.

"All that Bakugou drama n' shit, y'know." I shook my head with an amused smile. Ever since first year, those two have been head to head, always yelling at each other, trying to prove who was the better class. And apparently, they still do that, sure, maybe not as often but when it does happen, its usually a lot more chaotic.

"Well, Vlad king has been threatening me, saying that if fuck up another time; ill get expelled."

Me and Hitoshi looked at him, shocked. We really didn't want him to have to leave. I already had our whole life planned from here. And it started with sharing a kiss at our graduation party.

"We can all just have a sleep over at Nei's tonight." I received A nod of conformation from the blonde in question. 

With that, we quickly arrived to campus. Nei lead up to his dorm, quietly. We snuck up the stairs and down the hallways before abruptly stopping at a locked door with A sign.

"Keep out. You are not wanted here, weirdo." I shook my head after reading it. He opened the door for us which I gladly stumbled into.

I didn't really pay attention earlier, but his room was very put together and organized. There was also a lot of black that decorated it. 

I sat down on the fluffy black blanket that covered half of Nei's bed. It easily fit all three of us as we maneuvered soHitoshi could hand us our food.

"We should watch a movie." Nei nodded his head at my comment before getting up so he could grab his remote. 

It took a good maybe ten minutes before we settled on just watching The amazing world of gum gall. We were all, unconsciously, snuggled up against each other as we ate under a thick black blanket. I looked over to see Hitoshi's head on top of Neis who froze before relaxing after a second. I couldn't help but feel an intense sense of ease and happiness from the sight in front of me. 

Even after we finished eating, we stayed snuggled up under the covers but as time went on, Nei ended up in between us. No one said anything about it, we just kept maneuvering as time past. We went from laying our heads on top of each others, to sitting across one another in triangle shape, before finally laying down under the covers again. Only this time, we were all equally pressed against each other with Nei in the middle again. 

I layed on my stomach as I spoke to Neito who layed on his back. Hitoshi was off in his own little world as we spoke. The purple haired man was probably thinking of what will happen if his dad realizes we didn't come back to the dorms. 

"-RIGHT? If you're going to prove that you're better than someone then actually BE better!" Neito ranted on, and on about his and Bakugou's last argument which was no more than three days ago.

I looked over towards Hitoshi who was dozing in and out of sleep. He wanted to be here for the conversation but his body was betraying that. 

I shuffled closer towards Nei's side to the point my arm was touching his shoulder. He paused mid sentence so he could look up at me. His blue eyes widened when he noticed just how close we were to each other. I, myself was a little stunned but I quickly got over it when A smile over took my face.

Ever so slowly, I leaned down and pressed a kiss to the mans cheek. The blonde blinked rapidly, obviously confused on why I did it.

"C'mon, we should go to sleep." I snaked my arm under the blondes head and threw my leg over his hip, my calf resting on my boyfriends waist.


The rest seemed like a blur afater that, but what I could actually remember before I fell asleep is thinking about our day.. And the trouble we'll possibly be in tomorrow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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