Friend(ly confessions

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Monoma's pov:

"Well you both are the less annoying out of the 20 students in your class so there's your answer." I could feel myself start to shake as I said that.

I heard Shinsou, and Kaminari snicker from beside me.

"Why are you both smiling? It's not like I just told my deepest darkest secret. I'd tell literally anyone what I just said to you guys."

I wasn't shaking anymore. Now I was just annoyed by their behavior. Sure I liked them in A romantic way. Sure I thought about them at night. Sure I dreamt about what it would be like to be stuffed in-between the two of them sweat dripping, and heavy panting, but they were in a  committed relationship with eachother. Every string was attached to them meaning there was no room in there for me so I think it was safe to say that I was only in half an inch of the picture.

Breaking me out of my thoughts I heard Shinsou going on about how "thee Monoma of Class 1-B also known as the drama king just admited there wasn't only just one but two people in class 1-A he favored."

From the right of me Kaminari started shaking me.

"Yeah dude! Ever since 1st year you've been at everyone's throats. Do you know how surprised everyone would be to even HEAR about you hanging out with The anti socialist AND the "dumbest" of the class!?"

I was offended on what the had said about himself.

"Kaminari, you're not the dumbest of your class, Kirishima is. You're actually pretty smart. You just have a hard time with math and stuff too complex."

Shinsous nodded from beside me.

"He's right Denks, tho Kirishima isn't the dumbest either."

"Yes he is. Have you SEEN that man's spelling tests? I have."

"Wait- how have you seen his spelling test? You're not even in our class????" Shinsou asked clearly puzzled.

"Well there was this one time I was tutoring him to help him learn. I quit on the first day because he couldn't even make a proper lower case A. Not to mention he put a D in orange."

Shinsou's pov:

"Oh wow-" I've never even seen Eri misspell orange like that and she's had her mishaps.

"I never knew Kiribro was so slow, but it's okay because he's still manly." Kaminari flexed his "muscles" as he said manly.

"Shore, shore." Monoma nodded his head in a somehow sarcastic way.

I sighed before looking at the large clock that was above the entrance indicating that we had around 3-5 minutes till passing period.

"We have around 5 minutes till it's time to go" at that both boys began scarfing down the food they had in front of them as well as Kaminari taking from Monoma's as well.

"Is it good?"

"You'll join us, won't you?" ShinkamimonoWhere stories live. Discover now