4. Lunch bells

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3rd person pov:

It had been 2 hours since Mic had waltzed into the classroom full of UA's best 3rd years.

Denki had left Shinsou's desk to go over to Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina, Sero, and Jiro.

The 6 of them were huddled around Kirishima, and bakugou's desk talking about the project.

Mina was hopping on one foot while Jiro was subconsciously staring in the direction of a women with black long hair in a ponytail. 

Everyone else in the room were either studying for future tests while others were lounging around when suddenly A loud bell ring indicating that it was now lunch.

Everyone rose from their seats, and started roaming the halls towards the lunch room.

Denki's pov:

Me and Hitoshi were walking down the hall with everyone else when I caught a glimpse of light blonde hair from the corner of my eye.

I moved Toshi's jaw in the direction I was looking in.

"I'll see you in the cafeteria."

I said before speeding up to walk side by side of the blonde.

"Hey, Monoma." I called from next to him.

He looked at me for a second before stopping dead in his tracks.

"Hi, Kaminari, what is it you need?"

"Nothing actually, I was wondering if you would like to sit with me and Hitoshi." I saw a small smile at my welcome.

"I'm guessing Bakugou, and those other 1-A losers will be there so I'm afraid I won't be able too."

I almost laughed at his rude remark but swept it off.

"No, we're not always with them. Hitoshi doesn't like alot of people, that includs Bakugou so he doesn't really sit with them. So would you sit with just me, and him?"

"Maybe.." I could tell he was trying to hide a smile which made me happy.

"YES, SCORE!" I yelled while walking away to the doors waving a bye.

I walked in trying to scope out purple in the room.
After about a minute of searching I saw Hitoshi sitting in corner by himself.

I decided weather to take from his dish, or get my own. I decided to take from his and made my way to the table.

I sat down on his left eyeing his food.
He had Teriyaki chicken, rice, and a side of cabbage.

My mouth watered at the site of my soon to be meal.

I looked up to see Hitoshi staring at me with raised eyebrows.
He then pushed the tray to the middle of the both of us.

I grabbed the chopsticks that were in my boyfriend's hand and went for one of the bigger peice's of chicken only for another tray to be sat next to us.

I looked up to see Monoma sitting beside me.

"What brings you here, Monoma?" Hitoshi questioned from the right of me.

"Kaminari asked me to tag along, sorry, would you like me to not be here?"

"Oh no. Im perfectly okay with you being here with the two of us, I just thought you'd be with Kendo, and whats his face." Hitoshi reached out for reassurance.

"Oh, Kendo, and TestuTetsu are sitting with this rando, I recall their name being Kake Iroji"

"Isn't she that one green girl with elf ears, and a flower in her hair?" My brows clenched in question.

"Yeah, I've never talked to her, she seems like a total jackass tho" Hitoshi commented from beside me.

"NO EXACTLY, even from afar she frustrates me." Monoma had a stank face as he looked on the opposite direction.

"Guys, ya'll haven't even talked to her. How would you know" I said while finally talking a bite of the dumpling I was holding.

"Because" they both replied.

"Well, we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and even if she does turn out to be a total hag we can't judge her yet. Get to know her and if she turns to be a bitch then come to me with the rude comments" I said while chewing between words.

Monoma grunted "I guess, but she's still looks like a total jackass." He then picked up his chopsticks.

I hummed as I looked at what he had only to see soup dumplings.
I brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Hey uhm- I'ma have to take them dumplings off yo hands...cause y'know."

I said while slowly reaching my hands out for the side plate.

The moment Monoma moved the plate towards my hands I swear I fell in love.
I practically had hearts in my eyes when he slid it to me.

I stuffed the chicken that I was holding in my mouth before stuffing the dumping in my mouth along with it.

"Oh I don't know who I'm in love with anymore." I practically moaned.

"Wow, what's that supposed to mean" Hitoshi had a look of confusion, and knowing eyebrows.

Hitoshi then took the chopsticks out of my hand and grabbed the last 3 peice's of chicken left.

I looked at him with scrunched up eyebrows.

"The fuck...who gave you permission to do that shit?"

I was fr boutta call my lawyer up. He took the last peice's of the chicken, and I wasn't ganna let THAT slide.

I got up causing both men to lock at me in wonder.

"Monoma, switch with me."

"Sure?" He slid his food over before settling down in my spot.

"Denki, it's just chicken. You can just get more." Shinsou had pitched eyebrows.

"Don't talk to me. You know how I feel about certain kinds of food."

Shinsous' sigh was heavy as he stared at the two males in front of him. One with an upset glare, and the other with amusement.

"Well, instead of having petty arguments. How about we talk about something else?" Monoma clapped his hands together.

"What do you want to talk about." I asked.

"The downfall of our enemies!" Monoma then had the facial expression he wore when he was talking about class 1-A's demise.

"No.. How about we talk about common interests?" Shinsou slowly voiced out his opinion.

"Yeah! Like for instance I my favorite ice cream flavor is salted Carmel." I leaned my right on the table with my arm holding me up.

"I like mint chocolate chip ."

I looked at Monoma bewildered.

"So does Hitoshi! See we have things in common outside our classmates rivalry against eachother!" I shook Monoma in his seat.

Hitoshi nodded along with us.

"Even so, I don't like everyone except two people from your class."

I did a double take at his statement.

"Who???" Me, and Hitoshi said at the same time.

"You'll join us, won't you?" ShinkamimonoWhere stories live. Discover now