Sexual tension

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I've been walking around for about 10 minutes when I heard wild footsteps around the corners, pants, and grunts as well.

I peaked around the corner seeing Hitoshi, and his father, Aizawa fighting eachother.

Seeing how sweaty they both were I could tell they were almost done.

They were fighting in a pretty secluded area, lots of walls, and a few trees around.

I decided to stay and watch from where I was.

But when Hitoshi somehow managed to get Aizawa Sensei in a head lock was the hottest thing I've seen in life.

My breath hitched catching the eyes of Hitoshi.

He smirked to himself as he made eye contact with the growing bulge in my skirt.

I raised my eyebrows looking at what he was looking at only to blush red in realization. I quickly squeezed my legs together trying to hide it.

I got up before Aizawa noticed what his son was looking at me hiding behind the corner.

From there I heard him say something about him being tired, and ready to finish up.

I heard footsteps coming my direction hoping for it to be Hitoshi instead of anyone else.

I stood up locking eyes with gorgeous deep purple eyes.

The smirk the man wore set me off.
I grabbed him by the shoulders bringing him up against me bringing my lips against his.

I felt his hands on my waist before they moved down to my ass ruffling the skirt. It became high to the point you would see what was underneath.

He stopped kissing me to look at the bulge in my underwear.

"You liked watching me didn't you?"

The words were caught in my throat as he stared down at me.


"I liked it a lot actually."

Toshi started grinning before pulling down my underwear, lifting me up off the ground.

He started grinding against me. My panting was starting to get noticable.

I reached my hands towards his jeans, unzipping it to show his boner.

I felt butterflies in my stomach from the view.

My breathe hitched as he started slowly grinding against me. My eyes shut as I leaned against the tree.

I felt a hand go inside my underwear. My eyes snapped open looking at the hand touching me.

Hitoshi's hand was firm as he palmed me inside my underwear.

As soon as my eyes shut against the hand left. A discomfort settled in as I wasn't being touched anymore.

Before I knew it could air hit me as Hitoshi pulled my underwear down showing my cock.

He pressed me against the tree as he pulled down his own underwear just enough to show his hard dick.

My mouth started salivating when I saw it.

Without warning he dragged me down lower spreading my legs wider then they already were causing me to gasp.

He was holding me with one arm against him as his other started playing with my ass. He pressed his index finger inside me slowly thrusting it in before pressing another inside a long with it.

I through my head back. I could barely catch my breath.

His fingers started going faster causing me to hold onto his neck in case I fell.

I wanted to say something but anytime I did I couldn't word it right. It just came out in a gurgling type noise.

I whined when Hitoshi took his fingers out. He started rubbing my waist which made me smile before something hard pressed up against me.

I gasped staring down between me legs to see a 10 inch proudly nudging against me.

I smiled bringing my hand down to rub my hand against it.

Before I could even touch it he thrusted deep inside me causing me to scream, and throw my head back hard against the tree we were against.

He started at a fast pace pounding against me.

Tears framed my eyes and started to slip from them. I wanted to sob but I was drained.

I held tight against his back, scratching red marks only making him go faster than before.

"PLEASE" I didn't mean to scream but it just came out that way. Hitoshi quickly put his hand around my throat with his thumb against my cherry red lips.

He held eye contact before smiling only going faster.

I wanted to sob but his thumb against my lips only allowed whimpers to come.

Quickly I felt a buildup in my stomach. I tried grinding but his grip on my waist stopped me from doing so.

Before I realized I had cum shooting out of my now flaccid cock. The hand that was around my waist went straight to jerking me off throught my orgasm.

More and more tears came as he continued his violent treatment.

A lukewarm liquid flooded my hole only to be pounded deeper.

At this point my legs shook with oversensitivity. My arms were now at my sides as we both came down from our high. 

We stared in eachothers eyes, smiles clear on both of our faces as we caught out breath.

He gently set me down but kept his arm around me making sure I didn't fall down.

He grabbed my underwear, and handed them to me. I pulled my skirt down making sure I looked okay before getting back up and Hitoshi who was pulling his boxers, and pants back up.

"You okay, love?" He stared into my eyes looking for a sign of discomfort.

"Just tired." I was starting to feel a bit wobbly. Before my knees could buckle Hitoshi grabbed me leaning my weight on himself.

"We should head to our dorm, school ended around 20 minutes if Correct?"

I couldn't really do anything more than nod my head. 
We started heading in the direction of the dorm building, Hitoshi mostly maneuvering us around."

I couldn't help but want this moment to last. The yellowish orange sky painting out skin as we walked towards the giant building. The warm sun making my hair shine brighter than it already was.

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