What to do for the project

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I opened up my eyes to be met with the blaring light from the sun outside trying to seep into my morning residue. Thankfully a purple sheet covered the window giving the room a purple hue. 

I looked over expecting to see my purple headed raccoon but when I saw he wasn't there, I quickly sat up scanning the room.

He came on of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist with water still dripping down his hair.

"Good morning, lightening bug." He kissed on top of my head.

"Thats new." I was star struck by this mans beauty. Out of all of the people in our class, he chose me.

"I would have asked you to join me in the shower, but you were sleeping." 

"You could have woken me up." 

"Yeah, but you looked so cute." His hand made its way my cheek.

"Hm..today we meet up with Neito for the project." A small smile cracked on the taller males face.

"Denki, you act like we didn't just see him last night"

"That was 12 hours ago. I can get happy." 

"Of course, baby." He let go of me so he could head to the dresser and figure out what to wear. He usually doesn't prep his outfits, I do it for the both of us.

I got up to head to the shower. The room had steam everywhere as well as a clothes hanging out of the dirty clothes basket.

I tooknof the clothes .I was wearing,  turned on the water, and checked it.                Once it was to my liking, I stepped in and felt my shoulders go lax as I stood under the warm water.

Hitoshi always complained that my shower and bath water was always too hot for him, he said that coming out of the bathroom with your skin pink from the temperature wasn't the best. I of course didn't listen.

After my hair was completely soaked, I grabbed my strawberry and orange scented  shapoo, and rubbed it into my scalp. After letting it sit for a good 30 seconds, I washed it out. I went for my conditioner and did the same.

I washed my body then grabbed the towel off the rack and stepped out of the bathroom. The colder temperature in the dorm was colder than what I showered in. I felt my legs shake a little bit from the complete differences.

I walked over to the dresser. I already had a pre made outfit fir today. It was a pair of black biker shorts with a ramen noodle hoodie. 

Once I was ready, I walked over to Hitoshi who was ready. He sat on the bed rolling a blunt. His phone was on on his lap. He was texting someone.

"Who you texting?" I walked over to him, taking the phone off his lap.

"Nosy." True, I was very nosy. I won't deny.

"But im texting my dad." 

"Omg...im so calling him." I pressed the FaceTime button waiting for him to pick up. My face was really close to the camera as I waited. 

When he finally picked up after about 5 rings, a deep sigh came from him.

"What do you want, Denki?" He held an expression of pure death. From the background I could make out a little girl, and another man screaming at each other.

"I didn't call for any specific reason, but now I wanna talk to my favorite little bug." Another sigh came from him.

"Eri, come here. You're favorite blonde is on the phone." 

"WAIT I THOUGHT I WAS YOUR FAVORITE BLONDE!" I heard hear Mic screaming more clearly now.

"NO, YOU'RE MY FAVORITE BLONDE DAD, NOT MY FAVORITE BLONDE!" Eri was starting to get more sassy than usual. It couldn't be me, even if they say its my influence, I knew it wasn't. It had to be Mina.

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