3. Loud interruptions

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Shinsou's pov:

Before my Denki baby could finish his sentence, A loud noise from the door interrupted him.

Everyone snapped in the direction of the intruder. Aizawa shot up in his sleeping bag glaring at the blonde man at the door.

Aizawa then slammed his body back down on the ground and rolled back over.

"Shota, sweetheart, why are you moody? There wasn't been a single villain attack in 3 days." The blonde man with long hair spoke quietly

"Because I have the right to be."

"How!? Nothing that frustrates you has happened!" The blonde man was starting to get loud again so Aizawa sh'd him.

"Whatever. Wassup Class A, hello Hitoshi Dear, how was your morning, did you eat anything?"

I tried sinking down in my chair to go unnoticed only for him to walk towards me and Denki.

"Ayo, Denki, how you been sweetheart?"

"I've been doing great, you?" Denki had a massive grin on his face at being able to talk to one of his favorite adults.

"Oh it's been crazy boring, lemme tell you, there hasn't been a SIP of tea lately, and it's massacring me!" He pulled at his face to prove his point further.

"Fr? Usually there's always something going on around here." Denki raised his eyebrows in question.

"FOR REAL, and I'm just in my studio like "bitch where's the drama? Where's the sip!?" He raised his hands up dramatically.

"Okay I love that you, and my boyfriend get along extremely well, but aren't you here for something specific?" I budded into their conversation before it got louder than it already was.


He then walked up to the front on the room screaming loudly to gain everyone's attention including a kick in the back of his calf from an annoyed Aizawa.

"My bad, ANYWHO EVERYONE, Nezu sent me here to inform you that on Wednesday you and class 1B will start a project with eachother to not just for a grade but to help get to know eachother, you all with be paired in a group of 3 or 4."

Groans erupted from all around the classroom.

"Fellow classmates, it it a good thing that we will be able to interact with more UA students. It could help us understand one another." Iida spoke as he rose from his seat.

"Iida, I know how much you want us to communicate with eachother more, but we all don't usually speak to others outside of this room. Not because we don't like them, just because we don't have a reason too...and because some of us don't like them, BUT only because of Monoma. You know how rude he is to us." Ochako ranted out beside Mina who was nodding along side her.

I turned my head towards Denki who was still sitting on my desk. He had an offended expression.

I pat his lower back in reassurance before leaning back, and dozing off.

"You'll join us, won't you?" ShinkamimonoWhere stories live. Discover now