Heading back

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I felt a smile shine bright on my lips as the same thoughts overlapped my brain;

'My boys, MY boys.'

"Hey, Monoma. You do know you can call me and Hitoshi by our first names. Right?"

Monoma looked at us both while not saying anything, almost as if he were studying us.

"You both may as well call me by my first name." He turned back to look up at the stars to try to hide his smile.

"You're smilinggg." I pulled the other blonde into a tight hug as a rubbed our cheeks together. Not ganna lie tho...I was freezing my ass off so I needed the extra body heat I was getting from this man.

"Not too much now." He tried resisting only for my boyfriend to join in the hug. Tho he didn't really wrap his arms around us, he more so just layed on us BUT it still counted.

"Hitoshi, we're not staying here for long, we're just resting for a little bit." I looked down at the man which seemed more put off on coke than usual.

"I know, im just joining in this little celebration before its over." At that I shook Neito that was in my hold.

"Neiiii, he's joining our cuddle sesh!" 

"I wouldn't say this is a cuddle session.." I looked at him blank faced.

"Anywayyyy, Nei, I forgot to ask. Will you be me and Hitoshi's project partner?"

"I guess, what would we even do? I have not thought about it."

"I don't really know, and its too late to be out thinking about stuff like this."

Hitoshi suddenly got up off us and stretched.

"c'mon, we have to head back to the dorms before anyone notices we're gone."  I stood up and dragged Neito up with me and I swear I hearda faint whisper;


I looked at Hitoshi who looked away from me looking a little too guilty for it to just be a coincidence.

I decided to ignore it for now and just continue walking. The silence between the three of us was nice. The cold flourishing winds that blew through my hair, and onto my face was enough to make me want to curl up with a thick blanket and sleep out here.

At some point I spaced out. My body on autopilot as we walked on the sidewalk with lights lighting up the way back to campus.

Once we made it back to the campus gate I looked around to see if anyone was here. Hitoshi stepped it front of us and pulled out his ID from his wallet. The gates opened allowing us to walk through. 

I looked in the direction of me and Hitoshi's dorm.

"It was nice hanging out with the two of you. Hope to see me of you both?"

"Well yeah, we have to do our project." Hitoshi sounded dead. It was the first thing he's really said in a good 30 or so minutes so he was out. Plus he was obviously ready to lay down and look at a wall or whatever he did while I slept. Probably hot boxed the fuck out of the precious air I needed to breath while I slept.      'Y'know, that actually would explain why I wake up with half a brain most of the time.'

"Oh yeah...when can we meet up to do that?" 

"TOMORROW!" I didn't mean to yell, it just came out that way. Luckily for me, no one woke up because the only thing I heard aside from our hot voices was the sounds of the wind, and crickets.

"Im pretty sure thats the day everyone is supposed to meet up to figure out what we're doing, right?" Neito was starting to look a little dazed. It was cute in my opinion.

I heard a "mhm" come from Hitoshi which brought both mine, and Neito's attention to him.

"I should head back before Kendo or someone notices im gone, but it was really nice of the both of you to tag me along. Sorry if it was a hassle." He gave the both of us a smile that lit my heart up with flashing lights. I tackled him in a hug completely catching him off gaurd but it didn't last long considering he returned it.

I heard footsteps come towards the both of us; Catching our attention.                           Hitoshi walked behind monoma and joined in the hug. Hitoshi's chest was pressed against Neito's back while his hands were on my hips.

I made eye contact with him. A small smile on his face before yawning. I looked back at Neito with another smile. "Hey, before you go, I was wondering if you'd like to do this again sometime?" I looked him in the eye. I must of had a hopeful expression because without a beat he nodded.

"Yeah, just call me and ill be there." He let go of me with Hitoshi still trapping us together completely forgetting to let go so he could actually leave.

"Toshi, you have to let go of me so he can head to bed." 

As if nothing registered in his head, he stood still until a few seconds passed. 

Once he let go of the both of us he gave Neito a smile. I felt so entranced by the two men in front of me. They were so different, but I felt like we all had thing in common, and I couldn't wait to figure it out.

"By, Nei, I hope you sleep okay, and if you need anything or just to talk you can call me." I grabbed Hitoshi's hand and waved my goodbye.

It wasn't hard to make it up to our shared dorm. Lots of the people here were deep sleepers so it wasn't to much of a problem making it back.

Hitoshi went straight to the bed while I went to the drewer to pick out some sweats for my freezing cold legs.

Once they were on I went to the bed and snuggled up behind Hitoshi who was already dead asleep.

I felt my eyees droop with the heat that was surrounding me from the cold weather outside. A smile on my face as I thought about the avents from the past hour, or two.

I could finally get sleep after a dramatic day that I did not ask for and yet it turned out so well. 

"You'll join us, won't you?" ShinkamimonoWhere stories live. Discover now