Late nights

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Once me and Hitoshi made it back to the dorms I darted to the safety to our dark, gloomy, but also somehow lively room.

The hanging fairy lights high from around the walls, and ceiling. The worksheet papers, and empty coffee mugs left on the bedside table with the yellow cat clock next to it with the numbers 5:25pm in bold bright against the dark color of almost everything. 

I jumped on the messy bedsheets. The soft feel of the bed underneath me lulled me in a slight sleep before I heard loud footsteps heading towards me. I opened one of my eyes only to be met with a pillow plummeting down on me. Before I could even blink a harsh but soft force threw itself on me.

"Get up, you can't go to sleep yet. You still have to change. Plus it's, sleeping this early is MY jobe."

I rolled over with a groan. I tossed my legs around a a small fit not wanting to get up.

I felt like crying as the realization dawned upon me.

"I don't want to get up." My face was smudged into the bedding which made my voice to come out muffled.

Before I could even lift my head up I was dragged off the bed. A small shriek left me.
My arms flailed to reach for something to hold me from falling.

"I'm not going to just drop you." His voice held hints of sarcasm, and lies.

"Yes you will. I'm not stupid enough to fall for your lame tricks." I looked back at the man who had a small smile on his face.

"I will swipe that smile off your face." His smile dropped when I said that. He tugged me off the bed and dropped me causing a loud thud to come after.

I glared up at his as he giggled a little bit. He bent down to hook his hands around my pits to drag me up to me feet.

"C'mon, we have to change, THEN you can sleep if you want."

"You know danm well I'm not going to be able to sleep now after moving, and going through all that just now."

"I just wanted to give you an option, don't catch an attitude."

He turned away from me, still holding me by my pits, he dragged me along with him towards the closet.

He opened the door that was decorated in pictures of me, him, and our friends.

He started going through me side till he found a black creepshow shirt along with white basketball shorts.

He handed the items to me before pushing me in the direction of the bathroom to get ready.

I stood in front of the wide mirror staring at my messed up reflection. The earlier events clear on my eyes, and my hair.

I rid the uniform from my body to replace it with the shirt. It reached a little past my waist line. All was left in my hand was the shorts that was in fact from Hitoshi's side of the closet.
I slipped them on before grabbing the brush that was in one of the cabinets to brush out my ruffed out hair.

When I was okay with the way my hair looked I set it down.

I looked around the nicely spaced room to see if there was anything else I had to do before leaving.

When nothing came to mind I left to see see Hitoshi already in bed wearing a megamind shirt along with black sweats.

"Uht-" I stared at the shirt looking helpless. He looked up at me with a confused expression.


"Where'd you get the shirt from?"

"OH- yeah I just bought it actually. You like it?" He quickly sit up as he explained. He had a small smile on his face as he looked at it.

"You'll join us, won't you?" ShinkamimonoWhere stories live. Discover now