Unwanted comments

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3rd person pov:

The three boys were walking down the hallway to their next class.

Monoma was the first to split from the two others leaving Shinsou, and Kaminari to their next class.

They had around 30 till they were able to go back to the dorms. Untill then Kaminari would be with present Mic, 1-B and class A to discuss the project partners and what it will be. While Shinsou would be skipping with Aizawa to do training.

Denki's pov:

As me and Toshi neared the corner he tighted his grip before letting go and walking on his own.

"I LOVE YOU!" Shinsou shouted while he was walking his own way.


After walking the halls for around 5 minutes I took notice of Present Mic's class room door.

I turned the doorknob to see everyone sitting down near eachother with Mic sitting on the ground in front of them.

"Denki, sweetheart hello, we were discussing pairs for the project on Wednesday, and what said projects will be."

Mic the patted a spot next to him for me to sit. I walked over and sat down. Eyes from most of the people in the room following me.

"I know I'm gorgeous but there's no need to stare." I then pushed my hair behind my ear.

A loud scoffed followed after.

"You're not THAT admirable. Just because you're best friends with the teacher and manged to bag his son doesn't mean that much." A man with brown hair and a beard said.

"Who even are you?"

"Jurota Shishida, that's who!" He had a look of confidence in his eyes.

"Well big foot lookin' mother fucker, I didn't ask for your opinion, and I certainly do not care when A dude that looks like YOU trys and comment on me"

Iida was about to open his mouth to say something but he interrupted before he could get a word in.

"Iida... it's a good thing Denki stood up for himself."
Izuku held Iida's book in his lap with his own over the top.

"Midorya, I was going to congratulate him for standing up for himself, it's just the profanity he used for it."


Jurota then started glaring at Izuku at his comment. Todoroki, Ochako, and Tsu took notice at the unwanted attention on Izuku, so Tsu took the time to snap her fingers in his face.

"Who are you looking at like that*Kero? It's not nice to stare."

With said the noise died down and all attention went back to Mic.

"Mr. Jurota, I will be speaking to your parents, and seeing if I can get you removed from this school for saying unnecessary comments, and potentially bullying. You should know that this school does not tolerate anything of the sort considering the amount of people getting expelled for saying rude comments like that in Aizawa's class, and physically bullying in hallways." Mic said from beside me. From his body language I could tell his patience was to a thin line.

"Wait, I didn't think anyone would take it serious tho! When I made that comment I didn't expect for THIS!" The boys fists were clenching.

"I expect you to go to your dorm and pack you things. You won't be here for much longer. You're dismissed."

There was no further room for discussion. He then stood up walking out the door with another scoff.

After he left the room Mic patted my back.

"Well that was unexpected, but you sure did knock the balls off that man."

"And he did." Mina said while Sero was snapping in a Z formation.

"Anyways, we only have about 10 minutes till we leave we should finish this up. Denki, who were some people you were thinking of doing the project with?"

"I wanted to do it with Monoma, and Hitoshi."

"You'll join us, won't you?" ShinkamimonoWhere stories live. Discover now