Chapter 6: Council of the Crystal King

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(Y/N) that night could not sleep. She was constantly plagued by thoughts of the mysterious person and the invitation to the Council of the Crystal King. Saber was sound asleep on the bed next to her legs and murmured quietly.

The girl lay on her back and stared at the ceiling. She began to doubt. She began.... Feeling strange, as if something was prompting her to join, and at the same time, something was pushing her away from it.

It was a rather... interesting feeling. Being on the border between good and evil. 

Eyes (Y/N) slowly closed and she drifted off into dreamland. Little did she know that a certain King wanted to talk to her. The girl opened her eyes and noticed that she was in some starry space.

(Y/N) stood up and looked around her. She heard a voice behind her, not calm, but stern.

- Hello, (Y/N).-said the voice.

The yellow ninja turned around and saw Darkness sitting in front of her with his wings spread.

- Darkness.

- Don't do it.- he said.

- Don't do what?- she asked confused.

- I know the ending. It's hurting you.- he said.

- Do what?- she asked again.

- YOU DON'T CARE THAT IT KILLING YOU!!?- demanded the lion, in a loud, royal voice.

With a wave of the voice, (Y/N) fell and had the sensation of falling. (Y/N) abruptly woke up panting hard and fast. Sweat was running down her forehead and her body was shaking.

A spider, the same spider, crawled into the room through the window. It slowly climbed onto the bed and displayed a hologram. It was the same person.

- The yellow ninja. Do you accept the Crystal King's invitation and join to his council?- he asked.

- I...I guess so. I would like to try.- she recounted with hesitation.

- Very well. Follow the spider and he will lead you to a specific place.- the person said and disappeared.

(Y/N) looked at Saber, who was still sleeping and carefully got out of bed. She took and put her Blade of Sun in it's scabbard and moved after the spider.

= In Ninjago City=

The spider led the yellow ninja all the way to Ninjago City itself. It was suspiciously quiet. (Y/N) looked at the spider, who with his forelegs opened a manhole and jumped inside. The girl moved behind it and they started walking along the tracks.

The worm led her to a special modern vehicle. And behind it, a white tunnel. (Y/N) looked at the spider that entered the vehicle.

- Okey.... I trust you, spider not to lead me to your web.- she said, parrying and entering the vehicle.

As soon as she got in, the door closed and the vehicle moved at an incredible speed. (Y/N) instead of being scared, she cheered.

- WOOOOOOHOO!!! And I like that! Oh, can you go a little faster?

As if on cue, the vehicle sped up until the air resistance was pushing, the ninja into the seat. Until the spider himself was barely holding onto his seat.

After a moment the vehicle came to a stop, and the ninja and the spider got out without any problem. They walked through several rows of stone, vengestone figures. The spider led (Y/N) to a room, where there was a table and everyone gathered around it gasped.

- A yellow ninja!?- asked Vangelis.

- What are you doing here!- hissed Aspheera.

- (Y/N)?- wheezed Pythor.

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