One-shot: What have you done!?

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As of this morning, the Crystal King Council was hostile to each other. Everyone blamed everyone for literally everything. For the world, for the job, for other council members, etc. The most mean to each other were Harumi and Peacebreaker.

They looked daggers at each other and annoyed each other, teasing each other. The Crystal King, seeing this, called Harumi.

- You summoned me, Your Majesty?- asked Harumi, bowing to the mist.

- Yes. I can't watch you two harm each other. If we are to take over in Ninjago, cooperation is needed. And with you two, I don't see that. You have to reconcile and as soon as possible. You and Peacebreaker are damaging the success of my plan! And this cannot be!

- That's right, your highness.... Although I know, that nothing will come of it.- she muttered to herself.

- Excuse me.- he growled at her. - I said. That's a good idea, your highness.

- Good. Get out of my sight.- he said, disappearing into the crystal.

Harumi growled and moved to Peacebreaker's room. In the room, Peacebreaker sat at a table and read a scroll about portals to other worlds, called , "multiuniverse. Her reading was interrupted by a knock on the door.

- What's there!- she hissed. From behind the door Peacebreaker heard a quiet sigh. - It's me. Harumi.

Peacebreaker groaned in exasperation and invited the girl to enter the room, turning her attention to the scroll.

Harumi entered the room with a confident step and sat down opposite Peacebreaker, who did not even honor her with a glance. They sat in silence for a few seconds, until Harumi grunted.

- I wanted to reconcile with you. The king said that our disagreements are hurting the success of his plans. We have to get along somehow, otherwise he won't let us live.

Peacebreaker only grunted, correcting the pressure on the scroll. Harumi growled at her and took the corruption the scroll.

- Hey! Give it back!- she growled, trying to pick up the document. Harumi took the paper far from her hands with a mocking smile. Peacebreaker groaned and sat defeated on the chair, crossing her arms.

- What do you want.-she hissed.  

Harumi rolled up the scroll and put her arms over her chest.

- I want to get along. If we keep being mean to each other, we won't get anywhere. Truce?- she asked, extending her hand to the corruption, so she could shake it. Peacebreaker just rolled her eyes and snorted.

- The king ordered you to reconcile with me, didn't he?- she sneered. Harumi rolled her eyes at her and got up from her seat.

- Maybe he did. I am waiting for an apology from you. I have no intention of apologizing to you.- she growled at her.

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