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These past couple of years have been a whirlwind. 

From the end of the mission that bought Rooster and I together, to the new life that found its way ahead of us. We started officially dating, and since he kissed me in front of everyone once we landed everyone was fully aware of that. We moved into a small apartment together after around 6 months, and I sure learned a lot about him when that happened. 

I swear the only things he owns for clothes are Hawaiian shirts, singlets, and jeans. I think I've seen him in a proper collared shirt all about 3 times in our 2 years of dating. Once was when we attended my cousin's wedding in Hawaii. I had to spend a solid month convincing him that just because we were in Hawaii didn't mean he could wear a Hawaiian shirt to the wedding. He met all my extended family for the first time. Everyone loved him. That was actually the first time we said 'I love you'.


A year and a half ago

Rooster had gotten a little tipsy and ended up picking up my grandma from her chair, carrying her to the dance floor, and holding her in his arms as they swayed to the music together. My pop and I couldn't help ourselves from laughing as he lead me onto the floor to dance with me. My pop and I swayed slowly to the music before we were interrupted by a tap on the shoulder from Rooster. 

"May I old man." He said, looking at me and smiling, making my pop let out an old chuckle. 

"Of course young man, you best treat her right!" He said, waddling over to his wife to slow dance with her. I laughed as Rooster offered out his hand, letting me take it before he pulled me in, wrapping his arm around my waist and putting mine around his neck. 

"How do all my family already love you?" I say as Rooster leads our bodies side to side in time with the music. I learned that the man can dance, sing, and play the piano. I reckon if he wasn't a pilot he'd be a performer. He smiled, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on my lips. 

"Probably because I'm just in that good a mood that it's reflecting onto everyone else." I let out a laugh as he pulled us apart, spinning me around slowly before dragging me back in. 

"And what's got you in that good a mood? I can't assume it's your clothes, because dress shoes, pants, and a button-up that isn't Hawaiin is not your usual comfort zone. Even though I think you look sexy." He rolled his eyes, allowing his hands to slide lower and rest on the curve of my ass. My eyebrows raised at the auction, carrying a cheeky smile to come across his face. 

"Well not my clothes, yours." I just shake my head slowly as he once again spins me around, slower this time, letting his head fall to the side to take in my entire view. I was wearing a long yellow silk backless dress, that had lace running through the middle of the skirt, exposing my tanned legs underneath. "What's not to like." He says before pulling me back in close and leaning down. "You look more gorgeous than I ever thought a person could look." My cheeks flush a light shade of red, his hot breath leaving small goosebumps wherever it hit. 

"I love you," I whispered. We both immediately froze at the words. Oh fuck. "Oh my god!" I say, trying to back away from him but his arms kept locked around my waist. I lean back instead, his head coming up to look at me. "I'm so sorry! Wait no! I'm not! I do love you! Wait no-" My lips are suddenly met with his, immediately shutting me up. I instantly relax at the feeling f his lips on mine, causing my hands to slowly find his hair, and gently run through it. 

"I love you too." He whispered into our kiss. I smiled, not breaking the kiss just yet before pulling back, grabbing his face in my hands. He has the most dazzling smile across his face, his eyes darting from my eyes to my lips. I let out a laugh. 

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