Chapter 1: Family

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   After what I did to Westview, my family was gone. It all began when Vision got his Mind Stone ripped out by none other than Thanos, the Mad Titan, who had wiped half of all life in the universe five years ago. People named that event The Blip. The Avengers had brought us back after five years and had put an end to this madness. After Thanos, S.W.O.R.D., a government agency combatting extraterrestrial threats, had torn Vision apart for an experiment. Vision and I were supposed to buy a house in the small town of Westview and live an ordinary life after our retirement.

   Seeing Vision like that, in despair, I had created The Hex in Westview, a reality where I could live a perfect life like a Sitcom show with Vision as my husband. Later on, my boys, Billy and Tommy, were born. They were creations just like Vision inside the Hex. Creating The Hex also turned the citizens of Westview into the casts of my Sitcom. S.W.O.R.D accused me of kidnapping the whole town, and they weren't wrong. Agatha Harkness was a witch who lived inside the Hex as Agnes to learn that I was The Scarlet Witch from the Darkhold. The Darkhold was a book containing powerful dark magic spells, and those who read it would lose their mind or soul. She awoke the citizens to show that they were suffering and kept having the same nightmare I had every night. I opened the Hex to free them, causing S.W.O.R.D to come in with White Vision to eliminate me. White Vision had been rebuilt, using the reassembled parts of Vision and the Hex energy. Together with my family, I became the Scarlet Witch and defeated Agatha. Billy and Tommy took care of S.W.O.R.D, and White Vision left after recovering the memories from my Vision.

   We went home and had our last conversation while slowly closing the Hex leading to their death. I missed them dearly. Every time I looked at the book of Darkhold that contained knowledge about what I was capable of doing with my Chaos Magic. I wondered if this book could bring my family back and live beyond the Hex so we could start over to live an ordinary life. I moved to the cabin near Wundagore Mountain, located in southern Europe, where my twin brother Pietro and I were born. After almost a year of laying low, all I did was mostly meditate and water my flowers. Then one day, I decided to hand The Darkhold to Dr. Strange.


   Doctor Stephen Strange was once a Sorcerer Supreme who mastered the Mystic Arts and became the best Sorcerer of Kamar-Taj. He blipped for five years, just like I was. I came to the Sanctum Sanctorum to see him because I believed the Darkhold would be safe with him. Sanctum Sanctorum was Dr. Strange's headquarters located in Manhattan. To get here, I needed to blend in. It wasn't easy for an Avenger to walk around New York City without getting spotted, especially after what I did to Westview and the citizens there. I assumed they would see me as an enemy, a criminal who kept a whole town hostage. When I arrived at the Sanctum, I was reaching my hand out to ring the bell. The door opened on its own. It felt like a freezer was open. Everything was covered in snow, from the floor to the furniture, even though the outside looked completely normal. The moment I stepped in, I could feel the cold-like breezes across my skin. "What happened here?" I wondered.

   "Long story short, there was a gateway connecting to Siberia, and a blizzard blasted through." A familiar voice echoed around the room. After a few seconds, I could see him slowly flying down instead of walking the slippery-covered snow stairs in the middle of the room. "Welcome back, Wanda, long time no see."

   "I see you celebrate Christmas early? I have a present for you." I replied and handed out the Darkhold.

   "The Darkhold? where and how did you get it?" he asked me after he had reached the floor.

   "From a witch, as you can tell, The Darkhold is very dangerous, and I believe it will be safe if you keep it here." After I handed him the Darkhold, he asked me to stay and wanted to talk about how things have been going lately. We flew our way upstairs since the blizzard didn't affect this floor.

"Do you wish to share anything? It has been almost a year since the last time I've heard of you," Strange said while sitting down on the chair and magically summoning a teapot and two cups with saucers.

   "I made mistakes, and people were hurt. I meant no harm to Westview. I thought they were going to be fine, and they weren't," I replied as I sat in front of him with a table between us.

   "People make mistakes. I get it - Westview wasn't your fault. I'm not here to judge you - I'm here to help. Wanda, just let me know if you need it." Strange replied after drinking a sip of tea.

   "I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved, and after that, Thanos reversed time and killed him again. I watched him vanish in front of me a year ago. My children died in their sleep. I appreciate this, Strange - but I don't think you can help me with this. I want my family back." I replied, then finished up my tea.

   "Your children... what were their names?" he asked me nervously.

   "Billy and Tommy Maximoff ... they were twins," I replied after I couldn't hold my tears. "They grew up so fast - they turned ten in a day - they were truly amazing," I said while trying to put on a smile to stop my tears.

   "They sure were happy to be your children, Wanda." said Strange while holding my hands.

   "Thank you very much, Strange," I said after finally could put on my smile. "I guess this helps. Alright, I'm heading home now."

   "Let me help you," said Dr. Strange after standing up to open a portal leading to the exit.

   "Thank you for stopping by and bringing me ... a gift. Are we going to see each other anytime soon?"

   "I don't think so ... thanks for the tea," I said after stepping past the portal.

   "You're my guest, and that's my duty," he said while opening the door with his magic.

   "Thank you and so long, Strange," I said and slowly walked away.


   I was flying when I arrived at Wundagore Mountain. My mind kept telling me something was off, so I landed. It felt like someone has been watching me from afar. "I have a bad feeling about this." A red glow of my Chaos Magic flowed around my body and created a red-black color scheme outfit. A short-sleeved and high neckline corset with a pair of black leather pants and boots, above elbow-length gloves, a cape, and the Scarlet Witch crown to finish the costume. Suddenly around me opened roughly 50 black portals with black smoke covering the ground. An army of dead knights climbing out of the portals like zombies climbing out of their graves in movies. Within a short time, an Army of Dead, with swords and shields equipped, had surrounded me. I couldn't believe my eyes after witnessing the possibility of summoning a whole army of knights by some dark magic. The only witch I knew was Agatha, but I had trapped her in Westview as Agnes after the fight, so this couldn't be her. Confusion blended with anger, I just wanted to live a peaceful life, but somebody didn't allow it to happen and ambushed me on my way home. I was ready to fight. I floated with my hand glowing red. They would feel the wrath of the Scarlet Witch.

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