Chapter Thirty Five

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Freddie's POV

Sitting on the desk waiting for the students to arrive I hear the door open and turn my attention to it, it's Krystal. Wearing too much makeup and not enough clothes, what did I ever see in her.

"Yes?" I ask my tone clipped.

"Hi Alpha, I was just wondering if you have a moment to spare?" She says trying to be sultry and failing miserably.

"Yes go on I haven't got all day."

"Oh Freddie I know you had to make her luna now she's carrying that mistake inside of her but we can still have some fun." She purrs and leans into me kissing me.

Grabbing her by her arm I twist it and push her away from me. "Don't you ever talk about my mate and my pup that way ever again! Got it?!" I roar.

Backing away in fear she falls into a desk.

"If you ever lay your hands or mouth on me again I'll make sure they're removed! Now get out!"

That girl is mental! I take a drink and attempt to get the taste of her off me. Ella is going to hit the roof she should be here any moment. As the class filter in I look at her seat, it's empty. Then my eyes fall to another empty seat, Cals!

"Does anyone know why Mr Wills and Miss Davies aren't attending my class this morning?"

"Ooh Sir are you afraid your girlfriend has ditched you for someone her own age, I bet the baby is his too. I'd watch that one if I were you." some little human prick says. My eyes flash black with anger and one of my pack males, Caleb knocks the boy from his chair.

"Fuck off Vincent just because you can't get laid. No sir we haven't seen Ella since Science she left early."

"I had business studies with Call but I don't know where he is now." a girl shrugs.

"Everyone open your books to page twenty and I'll be back shortly." I leave the room turning down the hall I can't link Ella and I start to panic. Where is she?

I call Camie and she answers

"Yes she's with us and no she doesn't want to talk to you. Give her space, me and Cal will look after her." She ends the call I link Jack.

*Ella has gone bring twenty of our best men alert all fighters to be prepared, we're heading for Cals territory I think he's got her, well who she thinks was Cal!* I search out for Cal's scent as it's still strong and follow it throughout the school. It leads to the boy's toilets.

"Jeez man I know you're a teacher today but am I seriously in trouble for taking a whizz?" he laughs and stops when he sees my face.

"Leon has imitated you and taken Ella back to your pack house, I just spoke with Camie and she said Ella is with you both but I could smell you here! FUCK! we need to get there now. Alert everyone!"

My phone rings with an unknown number. I answer and hear Ella cry out.

"If I so much as hear a warning howl I'll kill them both right now. As we speak I have them placed in devices that if anyone opens the door they'll be injected with a serum that won't kill them instantly but cannot be retracted or healed they will die slowly and painfully in front of your eyes. Now, do I have your attention? Alpha."

***A/N eeeeek what do you think will happen? Please vote comment and follow***

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