Chapter Twenty Four

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Aaron's POV

I can feel everyone staring at me and I know they are trying to talk to me but all I can do is stare at the coffin in front of me. My eyes bore into it as if the harder I stare will make Isla come back to life. Someone taps my shoulder but I just shrug them off, I won't give up. Isla's cousin Tasha gets up to do a reading.

"A life is not taken as it was merely borrowed to start, God lends us life. It's not the why's or how's or when's, it's the who's and what's that count. Love each other and embrace what you are given, make every minute matter. Some people are taken back by God sooner than others and some people choose to go back to him. I know that Isla will be at peace now with her parents in God's safe hands. I hope we can all help each other through this tough time. Rest in peace little cousin I'll miss you until I see you again."

I can't breathe, her words crash into me like a cold wave. I can't love when my love has gone I can't embrace what I have as I have nothing!

"How could you leave me?!" I shout out and hear gasps throughout the room.

I run out of the church giving the doors a hard shove on my way I shift the moment I'm in the trees and I just run. Anger is all I can feel right now and I need something to take it out on. Sniffing the ground I can smell the foul stench of rouges and there seem to be many, perfect.

Camie's POV

I'm waiting anxiously in my room drumming my fingers against my desk. After today saying goodbye to my cousin's mate I need to see Cal. My wolf and I need him close, him being in battle with countless rogues is scaring us. He messaged me an hour ago to say everything was cleared up and he was coming to get me.

I've packed everything I'll need, it feels sad to leave my family and pack but shewolves are always made to prepare for this eventuality. It's a tradition that the females join the males' pack when they mate and it goes without saying when it comes to an Alpha.

I smell his amazing woodsy scent and I smile. My door opens and I jump into his arms.

"Cal" I breathe out.

I trace a cut he has under his jaw and he stares into my eyes. "It's over now we can go home," he says proudly.

I kiss him passionately and he places me down but pulls me into his chest. Burying his face in my neck we just stand there for about ten minutes.

"Shall we go?" he asks.

"Yeah, this is all I'm bringing," I say gesturing towards my bag that holds some of my clothes, shoes, makeup and my mac.

"Ok well I'll take that and if you need anything else I'll buy you whatever you want." I laugh at this comment.

"Baby you know I'm a shopaholic right?" he looks worried.

"Um, maybe you'll have an allowance."

"Gee thanks, Daddy," I say leaving my room.

"Oh, there's one last thing I need to do." I walk downstairs in search of Ella and my family I need to say goodbye.

"Elllllllllaaaaaaa smellllaaaaa" I yell at the top of my lungs getting evils from many including my mate.

"Ouch Cam! what's up?" she asks appearing from the kitchen.

"I'm leaving now and I've left loads of clothes and shoes behind seeing as I need a huge truck to take it all I just wanted to say help yourself loads of it haven't even been worn," I say and she hugs me.

"I really wish you could stay," she says getting tearful.

"And thank you for the clothes but I don't think they'll fit me for a while." I look at her confused we're both the same size in fact she's a bit smaller than me.

"What are you on about crazy?" I ask.

Freddie walks up behind her and rubs her belly and I stand there shocked.

"Oh my god are you?" I ask and she nods.

I hug her and Freddie in a bear hug, "I'm so happy for you guys, I best make godmother!"

"Of course Camie, now don't let us keep you I'm sure your parents will want to say their goodbyes. They are in the dining room with Jack and Hayley."

"Bye guys," Freddie says hugging me and shaking Cal's hand.

We wave at them and go to find my parents. Mum's emotional and Dad's quiet, Jack has given Cal the talk. Seriously he's my younger brother by a year and still acts older!

Cal picks up my bag once again and we leave and climb in his car, a chauffeur-driven limo no less! I guess that's what Mr Rich Alpha gets when he hasn't bothered to learn to drive yet. I should find it odd that my mate is a year younger than me but his strong, confident demeanour gives an impression of a man much older.

He puts his arm around me and I snuggle into his chest. The drive is comfortable and doesn't take very long. We drive through the village which is being rebuilt as I guess this part was inhabited by rogues. Then we pull up to a huge mansion and I'm stunned. This is the biggest house I've ever seen, it's modern and set back into the trees at the top of the hill. The windows are huge and there's a balcony surrounding the whole top floor.

"This is our pack house but you and I will live in the penthouse he says gesturing towards the top. Come on Luna, what are you waiting for?" He says giving me his sexy god-like smile.

***A/N another update for you my lovelies, typing this bit really fast as I need to pee! Please vote, comment and follow. Much love. over and out xoxoxox***

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