Chapter Thirty Seven

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Freddie's POV

"You son of a bitch!"

"Hello?" The line is dead. My heart starts to race as panic sets in, I look over at Cal who is reacting the same way.

"We've got to get to the Cal, you need to alert someone in your pack that you trust not to blow our cover. Is there someone that can block thoughts completely even from warlocks?"

"Yes my beta Parker, his grandmother was a white witch, she taught him and his sister everything they needed that would keep them safe. I'll link them both now and let them know." He says and zones out contacting them.

I link Jack. *Hold fire with sending our men out, Leon has Ella and Camie. Cal and I are planning a way to get us to them undetected. If we attempt ambush they're dead.*

*That bastard! I've been reading up on his apparent mother she was a dark witch who convinced an alpha she was his mate. She got pregnant and had a son. The truth came out when he found his true mate, the pack killed her and used the boy as a slave, and his father rejected him and eventually cast him out as a rogue.*

* That's his motive right there then but why our pack? I'll need to ask my father. Stay at the pack house with the fighters and wait for my command.*

Cal snaps back to the room and smiles at me. "Stupid runt has seriously underestimated my pack, Penny and Parker are informed and they are going to pretend they think he's me. Parker will distract him by calling a meeting, he won't be able to refuse because he will need to keep up the pretence so the pack won't turn on him. Meanwhile, Penny will gain access to the room where the girls are being held and get them out. Once she gives the signal we move."

I nod at him. "How good are they at blocking or changing their thoughts? If Leon suspects he'll kill them."

"They're so good they used to be the ones to lie to my father about my whereabouts to get me out of doing his dirty work or taking a beating. This will be easy for them."

"I hope you're right, let's make our way closer to your territory," I say as we exit the building heading for the woods where we shift into our wolves.

Cal charges forward and I match his speed the only thing keeping us going so quickly is the thoughts of our mates. I need to get to Ella, my wolf is going crazy at the thought of harm coming to Ella or our pup. We slow down about 3 miles out of Cal's territory and I alert Jack to bring the men. I seriously hope we can pull this off.

Cal's POV

Rage is bubbling in the pit of my stomach as I await a response from Penny.

*Alpha, he's gone with Parker to your office he said he was busy but could give him ten minutes so I don't have long.*

*Just get in that room and release the lunas, then alert the fighters for backup and we'll all come.*

*Ok here goes, hold on there's someone else in there. Wait I know that scent it's Krystal one of Freddie's pack members.*

*Knock her out, kill her if you need to. Just get to them.*

A few minutes later an almighty growl fills the air. My head snaps in Freddie's direction and he charges forward. I hear a faint voice pop into my head.

*I'm so sorry alpha, she had a chance to alert the imposter before I could kill her. I guess she was his mate. I'm getting both lunas out of these traps but I'm bleeding please send backup.*

*Everyone, we have an intruder threatening the life of our Luna and Luna Ella. He is imitating me so check his scent before attacking. He's in the pack house detain him and save the lunas!*

Voices of anger explode in my head as I reach the border of my land. Then I spot the masses of rogues approaching from the other side of the pack house tearing people apart as they go. The door to the pack house is opened with a bang and a bloodied Ella is shoved forward by 'me'.

Freddie lets out a thunderous growl and I feel the earth shake beneath my paws as he starts to charge forward I snap forward and catch his hind leg in my jaw nodding at him to look at Ella. Leon is holding her with a needle pointed toward her neck.

"Stop right there! Here we are again dear brother although this time won't end the same. She won't live!" Leon shouts and with one last sinister smile, he begins to push the end of the syringe.

***A/N Hey, hope you're all still enjoying the story. Going to be leaving you with this cliffhanger just to be mean. Please vote, comment and follow me. Auto correct keeps changing Luna to lunch so I've had a good giggle that Cal wants everyone to save the lunch. ***

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