Chapter Forty One

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Aaron's POV

For the past two months, Brooke and I have had this weird connection going on. Every time I go somewhere she'll show up or I'll get these random urges to go places and she will be there.

Alpha Thomas said he had once heard of second mates but it was rare. Either way, we had both been making as little small talk as possible and leaving as soon as we saw one other. I can't do this anymore it's draining and I can see it is for her too, I'm going to man up and talk to her.

Walking to the kitchen of their pack house, where I've been spending a lot of time recently I smell her intoxicating scent before I see her. She shuts the refrigerator door and jumps with her hand covering her heart.

"Damn it, Aaron, can you weres give a human a bit of a warning before you sneak up on us!"

Man, she looks cute when she's mad.

"Um sorry, kind of not used to having humans in a pack house."

"Yeah, I get it." She shrugs and my wolf whines, I've offended her.

"Brooke I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I really need to talk to you do you have a moment?"

She nods to the island in the kitchen and we sit opposite each other.

"Can I ask you anything and you answer truthfully?" I ask and she lets out a sharp breath.

"Um, sure."

"Do you feel anything when I touch you? Like sparks?" I question and take her hand across the counter.

I hear her heart rate pick up and I know she does which causes me to grin.

She snatches her hand away and stands up. I'm in front of her before she can step away.

"No I can't do this again, I had a mate, he died. This, whatever it is just doesn't make any sense." She's biting her lip from trembling and a tear falls down her cheek. I can't help but cup her face and wipe the tear away from her cheek.

"Don't deny a second chance we both have at happiness, I'm so sorry about your mate, but I'm here for you." I plead with her looking right into her beautiful hazel eyes.

She leans her face into my hand momentarily then pulls back.
Looking up at me I think she's going to tell me she can't stay but she shocks me, bringing my lips to hers she kisses me. I deepen the kiss, I feel like I'm on fire my body burning with need for her.

I pick Brooke up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I carry her from the kitchen to her room checking for people on the way. Luckily it's 2 am and there's nobody about.

Kicking open the door I sit her down on the desk. She shyly looks away and I bring her face to look at me.

"I won't push you to do anything, but this is real. We may be each other's second love but I'm going to treat you as if you're my first. This is it for me Brooke will you accept me as your mate?"

"I will on one condition, You can't die. Don't leave me like Jacob did. I can't go through that again." She sniffs and I wrap my arms around her as she snuggles deeper into my chest.

"I can't promise not to die but I can promise I won't put myself in any unnecessary danger. I'll do everything in my power to stay by your side if you can promise me the same?" She nods and I kiss her.
I feel my wolf fighting to surface, he wants to mark and mate her. I need to reel him in but her scent is clouding my judgement she's turned on.

I'm watching in the third person as I pick one of her legs wrapping it around my waist and grinding myself to her core. My canines elongate as I whisper in her ear.

"I will mark you as mine, we will be one." My voice sounds like me but deeper and possessive. My wolf has gained control and I'm pleased when he pauses for her reaction.

She gasps but doesn't pull away, I relax and so does my wolf, his assertiveness was obviously all we needed. I kiss her neck and sink my teeth into her marking her as mine. She cries out and I pull her to me, I've heard this hurts humans a lot more.

I kiss my mark to heal it quickly and she moans my name, I tear her clothes and her at mine bringing her closer to me, she looks into my eyes as she lowers herself to me. I growl in pleasure as I feel her warmth. I take it slow easing into her. I'm where I belong, this is my mate, she will heal my heart and I hers.

Gazing into her eyes I feel complete. She smiles at me shyly and I bring her closer to me. Kissing her hair I clasp her fingers in mine.

She looks to the clock and yawns it's 4 am. "Get some sleep gorgeous, I'll wake you in the morning," I tell her hugging her tighter.

"Ok but hug me any tighter and I will break." She giggles and I release her.

"I'm so sorry are you OK?" I ask checking her over and she giggles harder.

"Aaron I'm fine, I was kidding. You didn't break me earlier so I'm pretty sure I'll be ok now." She says blushing furiously.

I gently bring her back to me and start to drift off into contented bliss when there's a loud knocking at the door.

"Brooke it's Jack, Ella's bleeding they need you now!" He shouts and she jumps out of bed throwing some clothes and my shorts at me.

"Quick let's go!" She shouts running after Jack and I follow.

As we approach the medical room Jack raises an eyebrow at me in suspicion as he sniffs the air and looks at Brooke smiling knowingly. I nod at the room and we enter I see Ella covered in blood and my wolf whines for our best friend. Freddie kicks us boys out but I know Ella will be safe in the hands of mate.

*** A/N yay for Aaron and Brooke. Please vote and comment! I'm nearing the end of this story now but have big plans for baby Blake! Xoxoxo***

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