Chapter Twenty One

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Ella's POV

It has been twenty-four hours since the incident with Aaron, I'm in so much pain my body feels like it's been set alight. I've rolled off the bed and I'm clawing at the floor, I've heard the first heat is supposed to be painful but this is ridiculous. I cry out in pain as yet more pain shocks throughout my body.

"Freddie!" I scream out.

I feel like I'm going to die if he doesn't touch me, I need him now. I need him to forgive me and take the pain away.

Freddie's POV

I'm sitting in the office when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Alpha Thomas walks in and he looks pretty angry, what's he angry about?!

"Alpha Thomas" I bow my head out of respect.

"Freddie, I need words with you. Now!" he exclaims.

"Look if it's about Ella you can save your breath, with all due respect sir she has disrespected me," I tell him.

"Do you honestly think she would hurt you if she could help it? Aaron would also never do that if he had been in control."

At the mention of Aaron's name I let out a vicious growl."I never thought Ella would no, but she has so what am I supposed to do?"

"Listen to me, my daughter is in pain like you could never imagine so I need this to be quick. Ella's mother's bloodline is very strong, her family are the most powerful wolves in the world the protectors. The females are so desirable that when they go into heat their mates cannot wait to reproduce with them. If for whatever reason their mate is not around the desire doubles attracting another mate. The pain the females go through is indescribable, if you don't go to her soon or allow her to mate another she will die. I assure you Freddie neither Ella nor Aaron could control what almost happened last night. I'm sorry for not mentioning this before but I never thought you'd leave her in heat."

I'm shocked and angry at myself for not knowing that Ella would never have willingly done this to me. Mate another? That's not going to happen.

I hear a loud thud and a voice scream "Freddie!".

I'm out the door and running up the stairs as fast as I can I dismiss the guards and burst through my bedroom door. Ella is on the floor crying in pain. I scoop her up in my arms and kiss her forehead.

"Shh baby it's ok, I'm sorry I left you. I'll never leave again."

"The pain, please make it stop," she begs.

"I will."

I lay her down on the bed and remove my clothes. Ella is already clawing at her clothes to get them off so I help her. I kiss her gently from her lips down to her neck causing her to gasp when I reach my mark.

"Now, please." I don't need telling twice.

Ella's scent was so strong throughout the night that it wasn't long before our wolves were calling for each other again and again. It's 6 am and I've had approximately two hours of sleep. I cuddle up to the beauty in my arms and run my hand across her smooth skin down to her stomach. Tracing circles I wonder if we've created a pup, the thought swells me with pride.

***A/N please vote, comment and follow for more of this roller coaster ride :-) I'm loving the support for this story the amount of views and votes are amazing thank you all so much xoxoxo***

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