Chapter Thirty Six

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Camie's POV

Hugging Ella tightly, I take her hand and lead her to a guest bedroom next to mine and Cal's. She sits down on the bed with her head in her hands and sobs uncontrollably.

My phone rings, it's Freddie looking for Ella, I reassure him she's safe. I should have left him guessing but I know he'd go mental searching for her and my old pack really don't need the aggravation.

"Oh hun, he's such a prick! How could he even do that you're his mate!" I yell as she tells me what happens and I see her flinch from my tone.

"Sorry, these luna emotions are new for me," I add sheepishly.

She lifts her head and sniffs the air, "Cam Cam you did the nasty?!" She smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes which contain more tears threatening to spill.

"Yes, where is that mate of mine anyway? I can't smell him but that's weird he was with you at the door." I say and she frowns.

"I didn't think anything of it earlier as I was too upset but come to think of it Cal didn't have a scent, I ran into him in the hall. I usually would have smelt him way before I even got that close."

*cal, what you up to babe?* I link him sounding casual, I don't want to worry him just in case he's ill or something and that's why his scents off.

*At school, thinking about your perfect booty* Comes his reply and all the colour drains from my face as the door to the room swings open and 'Cal' walks in.

"Well, I thought you'd be a dumb bitch like this one and not figure me out for a while." The imposter spoke before knocking me into darkness.

Ella POV

"Camie!" I scream as Cal, or whoever the hell that is knocks her out with one punch. He lunges at me grabbing hold of my waist and placing a hand over my mouth. I instantly freeze as his hand is so close to my baby.

"If you try to link Freddie I will know, I can read minds and the first thing I'll take pleasure in doing is removing this thing from your body." He says smoothing his hand over my bump and I whimper.

"Please don't hurt us," I beg and it comes out as a whisper.

"Too late for that you stupid mutt." He places a needle into the side of my neck and everything goes dark.

When I come to I look around the room, I can't move I'm strapped to a metal frame. My arms and legs are locked in place and there's a strange device pointed at my neck with two needles. I see Camie and she's in the same position across the room. I hear a door open and my heart starts to race, I recognise the scent.

"Krystal?! You've got to help us wait what are you doing here? What did you do to Freddie?" I demand the memories of earlier come washing over me and I feel foolish. Of course, Freddie wouldn't betray me, what was I thinking?!

She laughs bitterly. "Nothing he didn't want me to and no I won't be helping you, my mate, wants you dead, ah here he comes now."

"Baby." She purrs and I cringe.

"Move it, you've already wasted enough time taking so long setting these bitches up." He snarls angrily at her and she scurries across the room.

Picking up a phone the imposter glances over at me nods at Krystal who walks over and slaps me and I cry out.

"If I so much as hear a warning howl I'll kill them both right now. As we speak I have them placed in devices that if anyone opens the door they'll be injected with a serum that won't kill them instantly but cannot be retracted or healed they will die slowly and painfully in front of your eyes. Now, do I have your attention? Alpha." He growls into the phone before chucking it on a table.

***A/N hey everyone, thank you all so much for reading and being patient with me. I hope you're enjoying this story please can you vote, comment and follow me***

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