Chapter two

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Rose POV

I can't believe am seeing him again after three whole years, I never realized I missed him till today this moment.

"Pls let's continue this discussion later  mr. Lucas"my mom plead snapping me out of my thought

"Mom, which discussion re you talking about and why on earth re you owing money" I asked looking from both my mom and dad

"Rose dear, we promised to tell you later" said my dad

I turned my head to Nickolai our eyes met making us to have a staring competition, he stared at me with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Why is he smiling like that, didn't he missed me too" I asked myself the same time searching for answers, what did I expected I insulted him...

"Can I talk to your daughter in private" nick asked directing the question to my parents

What on earth did he want to say maybe he wants to tell me how he misses him I said to myself smiling mentally

My parents looked at me contemplating whether to grant him request, of course they re owing him why wouldn't they accepted

"Sure, you can Mr Lucas"comes my mom's voice

They left leaving me and Nick alone to face each other, he stared at me with those his beautiful blue orbs, his jaw tighten, and those luscious thick-soft pink lips I can see them moving but can really hear anything

"Did you missed me that much that you re eyes raping me?"she asked snapping out of my thought

" re you nick?" I asked trying to form a genuaine smile

"I should be asking you that because you don't look good" he said with a mock tone

What's he talking about

"How did I look, nick tell me"I asked little bit sad

Why am I sad?

"Because your appearance didn't pease him, maybe you should have wear something shorter to please him"says my inner voice

Why did I even want to please him?

"You don't look well you look skiny and unkept"he said in an irritated tone

I don't know why but my heart felt broken his response made my heart stop beating

"H-how"I managed to ask doing a girl check-out on myself

"I don't have to tell, don't you look at the mirror?" He asked

OMG! He is still mean as ever

"Anyways I don't have time for that, why did you cut your hair short, rose?"he asked taking slow steps and walking around me

Suddenly he stopped at my back, he leaned very close making my breath hitched, his warm breath fanning my neck all the air on my skins rised dancing happily to that warn breath, his cologne hit my nostril he smells so heavenly

"Answer me"he said grabbing my hair from the softly

What is he doing to me, God

"I didn't cut it, I only curled it"managed to say

"Good girl"he said leaving my back

I never knew I was holding my breath till he left my back walking to my front hovering over me

"Your parents re owing a huge sum of money and I want it by tomorrow morning, I know they wouldn't be able to pay by then" he paused for a moment still staring at me to see if am concentrating

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