chapter 13

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It's 9am already, I haven't gotten my morning 'forehead peck' from Nick. I decided to wait for 3ominutes more, but he didn't show up. I quickly changed into a better robe and went to his room, he is still sleeping peacefully on the bed. His lower body was covered with the bedsheet, his mouth patted a little, I watched as his chest rise and fall, snoring softly, his dark hair was messy, his lips, I want to taste does lips badly.

He was still sleeping that's why he hasn't come to my room. It was now my turn return the favor.

I leaned down and peck his forehead, he stir in his sleep, I look at his face and back to his lips and did the unthinkable. I nibbled on his lower lips before capturing his whole mouth in a kiss, his lips re so soft. He stir again in his sleep without opening his eyes and kisses me back. I bit on his lower lips making him groan. Our tongues fought for dominance which he won.

This feel so good. I moaned lightly.

"What is happening here" he opened his eyes and push me away.

I looked down in embarrassment

What have I done, I'm such a desperate bitch.

"I thought I was dreaming" he said

"I...I thought have gone to work so came to confirm" I stuttered not daring to have eyes contact with him

I really embarrassed myself but I didn't regret what I did.

"I don't want to go to work today" he said

"Who is inside your bathroom?" I asked when I heard the sound of water running

"I don't know" he shrugged his shoulders

Who could it be, Luna can never enter his bathroom while he's still in the room, then it clicked on my head...

"Why did you wake up late, this is almost 10am" i asked

"What time am I suppose to wake up" he asked with a smirk on his lips

"You always wake up earlier than this"I glared daggers at him.

"Obviously you slept late last night after dinner" I spat out

"I knew it, one of your whore came to see you after I slept right?" I said with envious tone.

"I have never brought any girl here before apart from you" he said getting down from the bed.

I smiled internally with his words

"Then who is inside the bathroom" I asked trying her best to look mad.

Just on cue, the bathroom door opened, follow by a red hair girl about my age, her red hair in a tight bun, with high chick bones dress in white sundress. Her height is probably 5'3 tall, some lip gloss on her lips. she pair all her dressing with a black sandal.

"She look beautiful"rose thought to her self.

"What re you doing inside the bathroom" she glared at the red hair girl.

"I...I came to prepare Mr. Luca's bathe" she stuttered not wanting to see her angry eyes

"It's my job to do that"

"Besides, who asked you to do it" I spat out

Nick was watching them with an amused smile playing on his lips.


"Get out!" I ordered her fuming

She quickly ran out bowing her head.

"Why re you being aggressive" he asked after she turned to face him.

" If I wasn't here I knew you definitely screw her" I fumed

"Are you jealous that I will have sex with her on my bed" he teased her

He doesn't want to have sex with me doesn't mean he should rub it on my face.

"Why will I be jealous" i asked making Nick roll one of his eyebrow in amazement.

"That is Jena, I don't plan on sleeping with Luna's daughter" he said


"Is that Luna's daughter?" I gasped out in surprise.

"Yes, you owe her an apology" he said walking towards the bathroom

Will he really use that water to bathe?"

I guess I owe her a big apology. Luna will be mad at me.

Why didn't I see that, her eyes re like Luna's.

She rushed downstairs and straight to the kitchen, they were doing the dishes. Luna was washing while Jena was cleaning them while discussing.

"She's really a nice girl, Jena" Luna said to her daughter

"Is she?. She was so rude to me, mom"

"If look could kill, I will be six feet under the ground by now" Jena concluded

I cleared my throat to gain there attention. They both turned their head to my direction.

"How re you dear?" Luna greeted with a cheerful smile as always.

"I'm good, Luna" replied

"This is my daughter, Jena. Jena meet Rose" Luna introduced

"We already met" Jena said in a low tone.

"Come on Jena, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. Your mom didn't show me any of your picture"

"I think I woke up at the wrong side of the bed this morning" I tried to apologize

"Give a chance, you will like her" Luna butted in.

"I'm sorry" I said pouting

"Okay fine, I can't say no to that face, can I?" She scoffed smiling

"Friends now?" I asked beaming at her

"Friends" she said pulling me into a hug.

"Breakfast is ready" she said

"Can we catch up after breakfast?" I asked

"Sure" she said

Nick will soon be down, I need to hurry.


"You have a nice room" Jena said scanning my room.


"Tell me about yourself" I said plopping on my bed which Jena did too

"You know my name already, I'm 22 years old, I attended oxford university, luckily I'm done so I will be spending more time here helping my mom with some duties"

"Oxford university?" I asked in disbelief

"Yeah, you might wondering how I got there" she said like as if she knows what I'm thinking.

"Oxford is not for anyhow students, with the help of Mr Lucas I got in. I must say he has so many connections" she concluded with a smile

"How did you know Nick" I asked out of curiosity

"I met him at his Father's company. That faithful day, I was in need of money urgently for my college registration. I went to his dad's company but they didn't want to lend me claiming I don't have any property to write down"

"I pleaded but all my please fell into a deaf ear. I muttered a small prayer to God to perform his miracle for me. I cried all the way to the elevator, when I got inside I was face to face with an angry Nickolai" she said

"Did you know what he first said to me" she asked. I shook my head

"He said: get out, no one is allow when I'm inside the public elevator" she said mimicking his voice as we both burst into laughter.

Jena's story will continue in the next chapter.

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