Remind me where we come from
Remind me where we'll go
Reming me who I comforted
Remind me when I said no
Remind me why I sat still
Remind me why you stand
Remind me why all the falling things
Suddenly catch in your hand
Remind me why girls cry
Remind me why boys get angry
Remind me about the poor and dry
Remind me to feed the hungry
Remind me that I'm selfish
Remind me that there's nothing to fear
Remind me of all those who wronged me
Remind me that we're near
Remind me that it's common
Remind me that I'm human
Remind me about those good days
Remind me about those who go astray
Remind me that there's a God
Remind me that He's here
Remind me to Smile
and say "La ilaha illalah,
Alhamdulilah, it's all clear."
PoetryA series of curious & personal poems about questions, doubts, and loveliness.