FIVE | captain america

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"Tony, I don't know what to tell you."

"All you have to do is answer the question: do you prefer a dad bod or a six-pack?"

"I love you just the way you are."

"You know, I used to have a good body." His fingers tug the leather belt. "I used to be a lean, mean fighting machine."

"And you still are." I roll my eyes.

He begins a round of jumping jacks behind his desk. "You need a guy who can keep up with you, alright, Eva?"

"If you want to exercise some more, I'd be happy to help, but —"

"So you want me to lose weight."

". . .but I think you look great for your age."

"And now she's calling me old."

As we walk out of the elevator to headquarters, Tony gazes down at his abdomen in disappointment of his recent weight gain — which no one has noticed except him.

"Escaped mental patient." Gibbs enters through the opposite end.

"Yeah, I'm beginning to think so, too." I mumble, causing the man to look back. "Oh, you were talking about a case."

"Bethesda Naval Hospital. Attack and orderly, busted up the place." He grabs his things. "Come on, let's go."

The orderly explains what happened the night before while McGee relays information about the patient, Corporal Damon Werth, and his hostage, Dr. Adrian De La Casa.

Ray Vincent, a P.R. man for the senator, arrives to inform us of Corporal Werth's upcoming award ceremony where he will receive the silver star.

"The suit fill you in on what happened in Iraq?"

"Werth's unit was ambushed and captured. He was being tortured when he broke loose. He killed his interrogators and carried all three of his men to safety."


"Leathernecks nicknamed him Corporal Punishment." Gibbs walks back to his desk. "What else you got?"

"Werth's life." McGee projects a map to the plasma screen. "Locations of interest: boot camp at Parris Island, stationed at Quantico then LeJeune before shipping out overseas." Three green arrows blink over the named areas.


Ziva shakes her head. "Unmarried, no siblings. His father is retired S.A.S., mother is a behavioral therapist. They live in Michigan."

"Friends in the area?"

"None outside of the Corps." I reply in defeat.

"Dr. De La Casa?"

"Navy Captain, resides in Reston, Virginia." Tony recites.

"He works at Bethesda."

"So he'd have to take the Dulles Toll Road every day." He squints in thought. "So he would have a Smart Tag — McGoo."

"Scanned on 267 yesterday, again this morning entering Virginia."

"Tried to triangulate De La Casa's cell, but it's either switched off or Werth's laying low in the countryside out of range."

As if by coincidence, a Smart Tag alert beeps on his computer, signaling the vehicle's reentry into the District.

When we save Dr. De La Casa from the back of a trunk in an abandoned garage, McGee finds a computer live-streaming the view of the room — disclosing to Werth our appearances.

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