NINE | our paris

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"We didn't need to stop for gas."

"I'm not letting you go after the director unless you get something in you."

"What a romantic way to say you wanna have sex, Tony. Really romantic."

"I meant food, Eva. And water." He clarifies in a sarcastic tone. "You've barely eaten all day, so I am forcing you to eat."

"What a keeper." I whisper under my breath, realizing just how stupid of an insult it is.

After stepping out, he slams the car door shut. "I'm gonna fill up on gas 'cause who knows where the director is right now." He takes out his wallet and hands it to me. "White powdered donuts, blue ice gatorade, and whatever you want."

"I can pay for myself."

"But I'm not letting you. Clear?"

Instead of arguing my way through this, I silently oblige.

Soon, we're back on the road after having received an address from McGee and Ziva back home. With the L.A. heat getting to us, Tony and I've stripped to the bare minimum clothing required without flashing anyone.

Within half an hour, we find a building clearly labeled "Diner".

"We saw that S.U.V. back at the gas station, Tony."

I reach a hand into the backseat, clutching our weapons and badges. The two of us walk towards the abandoned building while strapping on our holsters.

"Now do you believe me about my godmother sleeping around?"

"Let's just say if there's a sock on the doorknob, I won't hesitate to say I told you so."

Several holes on the corner of the door — ones only created by fired bullets — and plenty of broken windows tell us something more than just a date went down.

Our guns find their way into our hands as we approach the ajar door.

"You're in." He mutters, giving me a firm nod.

Within the actual diner, there are four dead bodies seen at first glance. Tony clears the kitchen area and back entrance before inching his way back to me.

"No. No, no, no."

Every nerve in my body goes numb at the sight of her. . .drowning in a pool of her own blood.


- - - - - - - - - -

"Boss, she. . .she hasn't said anything since last night."

Silent tears drip down my cheeks and fall off the edge of my jaw.

Moments after Tony confirmed her death with two fingers to the neck, Gibbs called her cell. Unbeknownst to him. . .he'd never hear from her again.

He, along with Ziva, caught the first flight out to LA the next morning before speedily driving to our location. But Leon Vance arrived merely hours before them.

The night before had been one filled with tears, wordless communication, and insomnia. Neither Tony nor I was able to sleep, the image of her helpless body still freshly imprinted in our minds.

"Tony, take her back to the hotel."

"Boss —"

"No questions. You take care of her first. . .before I lose two agents."

He has me sit in the passenger seat of the Mustang, buckled up and unmoving. While packing the rest of our things, Tony calls McGee to question him about any matches to the tire print.

𝐍𝐎 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ━━ 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐳𝐳𝐨Where stories live. Discover now