TWENTY ONE | the band

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"The Soviets had some success with pure ethanol."

Drip. Drip. Drip.

"This formula is of my own design."

The thin needle breaks skin upon contact, embedding itself into the targeted vein. A silent groan slips past my chapped lips.

"A mixture of sodium pentothal and several other agents I have found. . .effective in extracting the truth."

He kicks McGee's foot and tugs strands of Tony's hair on his way to the exit, both of whom are still unconscious.

"It will not take long for it to start working."

The drugs circle through my bloodstream. "You won't have to wait long. Your death's arriving much sooner than you think. It's up to you to decide whether it's the truth or not."

His fingers grasp the dirt-clad chair laying against the wall and prop it up in front of me.

"My name is Saleem Ulman. You will tell me who you are."

Somehow, the words leave my twitching mouth, no matter how hard I try to stop myself.

"Special Agent Evaline Giudice-DiNozzo of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service." A forced gasp follows my words.

"You know, a few months ago. . .I had, uh, not even heard of N.C.I.S." A familiar badge falls from his pocket — the badge he'd taken from me. "And that may have cost the lives of several of my people." It drops to the ground with a low thud. "That will not happen again."

Leaning forward, he allows his elbows to rest against his knees.

"Now, please, tell me: what is your mission?"

"W-We're-We're tasked with pursuing cr-crimes that involve the United States Navy or Marine Corps and their families. And our duties are. . .expansive."

Out of my control, they continue to flow with no end, including a vivid flashback of what the team was like before Ziva had joined. . .when Kate was still alive.

When I hit a particularly nerve about our team killing his men — martyrs, as he likes to call them — he smacks me into unconsciousness.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Ziva's not replaceable, alright? She never will be."

Once I regain consciousness, Saleem's chair is yet another few inches closer to mine, and he's resorted to stand behind me.

"The, um. . .the one you lost." He recalls from memory. "Then, why aren't you looking for her?"

Tears fog my vision when I remember the fellow agent. "I'd have her back in the N.C.I.S. building, without a second thought. But that's impossible seeing as she's dead."

A shaky breath leaves my parted lips, suddenly thirsty at the sound of Saleem twisting the cap off of ohsi canteen.

"I've always been fascinated by simple cause and effect reactions. . .what can be done to the human body just by adding or subtracting."

He circles the two chairs.

"My own personal drug of choice since my college days is caffeine. Keeps me sharp, alert."

The hot liquid flows down his well-hydrated throat, leaving me to only envision water seeping down my parched mouth.

"You are probably feeling clarity, an impulse to talk without censor. It's a chemical process taking place in your brain."

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