THIRTY | a terrible name

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warning: contains a curse word

"You're late."

"I had a doctor's appointment."

Tony slams a hand against the emergency button almost instantly, causing the elevator to screech to a shuddering halt.

"Oh, come on." I groan under my breath.

"Why didn't you tell me?" His brows quips in question.

My lips purse into a thin line. "Let me guess: because this is the first time you've spoken to me in days?"

"Does being the father mean nothing nowadays?"

"Only if you refuse to speak to the mother."

Tony lightly brushes a hand through his unkempt hair, exhaling a heavy breath while staring at the ground.

"We're gonna be late."

"Why didn't you tell me when you found out that you were pregnant?"

"Gibbs is gonna —"

"I don't give a fuck about what Gibbs has to say." He huffs out rather aggressively. "I'm your husband, Ev. And the father of the baby."

"I know. I had this whole elaborate plan of putting a dinner roll in the oven. You know, a bun in the oven? And then Gibbs called to tell me you were in the hospital —"

"You've known since then?"

"Tony, I would have told you, but you've been going through so much —"

"And you thought me knowing you're pregnant wouldn't be relatively important information?"

". . .not in the moment, no."

And for the first time in days, Tony softens his gaze. His body slightly slumps from being so rigid, and his tone changes.

"You will always matter more."

He lifts his hands to cup my cheeks.

"Eva, you're pregnant."

He brushes away the stray tears across my cheeks and gently smiles, pressing a soft yet passion-filled kiss to my lips.

"You're gonna be a mom."

"And you're gonna be a dad."

"Gibbs is gonna kick our asses for being late, isn't he?"

"I can almost guarantee it."

"I promise to take you to the next appointment."

"And every single one thereafter."

With a few more kisses, he pushes the button and allows the elevator to resume movement. Upon the doors opening, Gibbs stands waiting while McGee and Ziva are frozen in their places.

"Got a case?"


"So you don't need us?"


Without another word, Gibbs takes our spot in the elevator and heads out. The other two are still paused in movement, to which I cock a brow.

"You know you can go back to whatever you were doing, right?"

"Good to know."

Tony silently pecks my temple and runs the lightest of hands over my abdomen before retreating to his desk. The hint of a smile tinges at my lips, and I ghost my own hand over the particular area.

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