5: Living Dead

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Jocelyn stared down on her thighs, she couldn't control the tears that kept streaming down her swollen face.

Doctor Smith came a little bit closer to her but made sure to maintain a good distance between them, he doesn't want to get into Fred's bad records even if he is doing his job as her doctor.

The hard glare he had passed to him not long ago is still imprinted deep in his memory. He wondered what kind of relationship Fred have with this lady.

"I assure you, you will be fine" doctor Smith said not knowing how else to console her and he won't get into trouble for doing so.

Jocelyn fiddle with the hem of her gown, her lower lips trembled as she make attempt to give a reply. She chose to remain mute instead with her mind slowly drifting away from them.

As much as she try to get rid of the incident playing in her head, she couldn't. It's clearly visible like it is happening in front of her now.

"Please make sure you have enough rest and don't stress yourself" he advised after checking her temperature and pulse then he turned towards Fred's direction who's attention was wholly on Jocelyn.

"If you don't mind Sir, please follow me to my office" Doctor Smith said to him but he wasn't paying attention to anyone else except her.

Doctor Smith had to clear his throat to bring him out of his daze. Fred has a lot of things going on in his mind, the first thing is to make sure that Jocelyn is safe from today onwards and to also get a hold of those people that abused her body. 

He glared at doctor Smith questionably.

"I– uhh, please come with me to my office Sir. There are some things you need to know as her guardian" doctor Smith explained in order not to sound rude and end up getting his arse fired. He hasn't forgotten that he have a family that look up to him everyday.

Fred pocketed his hands, he took a quick glance at the disheveled young lady absentmindedly pulling her hair out of frustration before he promenade out of the ward.

Jocelyn could have frowned or throw tantrums if she is to be in her right state of mind for that stranger to claim himself as her guardian.

But she can't think about that now. She took in her appearance, instead of her thorn dress, she is changed into the hospital gown.

Looking down at her thighs, she saw blood dried in between her legs as a result of being deflowered and how brutal they were with her.

She wanted to cry, she wanted to cry out in anguish to relieve the pain and the stuffiness in her chest but at that time, the tears refused to come down, not even a drop.

All she felt is the bitterness growing within her, bitter about her own self. Jocelyn stared into space, thinking about how to end it at once.

If she is dead, she won't be able to feel this pain, she won't have to hate herself for what has happened to her. She also won't have to wallow in self pity. She can't bear staying alive.

Looking around her ward until her eyes landed on the kit doctor Smith brought earlier. He had gone with the X-ray in his hand and forgotten about the rest.

Jocelyn limbed to the bed side and grabbed it as soon as she can. Fortunately for her, there was a razor and scalpel in it, together with a scissors-like equipment which might be related to surgery.

She picked up the first one she laid her hands on which was the razor. She sat down at the edge of the bed facing the small mirror by the side.

When she stared into the mirror, Jocelyn couldn't recognize the girl staring back at her. She look different, way too different from her.

With a bitter smile which disappeared right after it appear, she let the razor cut deep into her wrist.  Soon, the blood started pouring out. 

The cut allowed her feel her existence– she felt pain but a different kind of pain. A pain different from the one sucking out her whole life. 

This pain she feels, she has control over it. The pain she created for herself just to have peace when she is dead.
She just sat there, staring at herself in a pool of her own blood.


"Go straight to the point and stop saying stupid things only you can understand" Fred yelled slamming his palm on the table which made Doctor Smith flinch.

"I mean, she might suffer severe mental problem. She might even want to harm herself because she will feel like there is nothing to live for anymore, from the results, she might also show symptoms of depression. She shouldn't be left alone for too long" doctor Smith explained trying to be as detailed as he can.

Fred's expression hardened, he stood up from the chair once again slamming his hand harder on the table. The files on Doctor Smith's desk fly to the floor.

"And you fúcking kept me here rambling rubbish, leaving her all alone?" He asked, his eyes flickering in anger.
Doctor Smith gulped down in fear, abruptly standing up from his chair not knowing what he had done wrong.

As he was about apologizing when the emergency intercom in his office boomed.

"Red! Red alert! VIP ward 1" a female voice hushed and Doctor Smith's eyes widened while Fred balled his hand in a fist. That's Jocelyn's ward.

"If anything happens to her, your dead body will be sent to your family"  Fred threatened before scurrying away.

He took to his heels into the VIP room and met the doctor's trying to revive her. There was a whole lot of blood on the floor as he step in.

"What the hell happened to her?" He asked furiously jacking one of the doctors.

"Fúcking tell me what is going on here" he screamed and in no time, patients, their guardians and staff were already gathering around the ward. With some of them making videos of the scene and posting them on the social media.

"Please calm down Sir, we need to save her first" the doctor replied pointing at Jocelyn's lifeless body.

Fred breathed out to calm himself, they need to save her first. He let go of him and watch them tend to her, they didn't tell him that her heart beat has stopped. They dare not say that to him when he is already this enraged.

"Charge! Shoot!"
While some gently pressed her chest, another doctor used the machine. When she started breathing again, everyone sighed in relief and exhaustion. It's really a miracle.

"She's breathing"

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