9: Mrs Gracia Scott

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Fred drove straight to his secret hideout which is the warehouse Dargak had mentioned earlier.

When he arrived, he parked outside and hop out of the car. As he made his way inside the warehouse, Dargak came out.

This is mostly the place Xavier torture his victims, anyone that messes with him, stand on his way or being too nosy in his business.

Only him, Dargak and a few of his guards are aware of this place.

"Boss" Dargak called as his own way of greeting him.

"Where are those rascals?" He asked with his jaw clenched and his eyes darkening in pure exasperation.

"Inside, please come with me boss" Dargak said and began walking ahead of Fred until they got to the place the men were.
They were all five of them which means that no one escaped.

Fred walked up to the tied up men, they were tied to one another and thoroughly beaten. They had swollen faces, bleeding nose and broken bones. Dargak had done a great job.

Even as they look weak from being tortured, none of them failed to recognize Fred Scott. The most powerful man in Boston.

The sight of him terrified them, it made some of them peed on their paints out of shock. They have offended him but what is their offense?

Knowing that they will never leave here alive if they really offended him scared them the most. How did they get involved with him without knowing?

His personal assistant had caught them with some other men earlier yet, they are not aware of their crimes.

"And there are the people I have so longed to see" Fred said with an angry smile on his face while clapping his hands at the same time.

"Mr Scott, you..."

"Dare say my name again and I will have your head rolling on the floor" he threatened coldly and punched the man's face.

"How dare you hurt my woman? How dare you touch what belongs to me? You have the audacity to touch a girl, you all had no pity on her or thought about how she will live after being raped by five men" Fred said.

He collected the long rod from Dargak and began lashing them with it. Their painful screams filled them hall.

After realizing their crimes, they knew right there that they are done for. That woman they had hurt so badly is Fred's woman?

But how? What was she doing on the road by that time in the morning? Why? If only they had known about her being involved with someone like Fred Scott, they could have fled on seeing her.

Their eyes widened as the words kept sinking in deeper.
Sad, angry at himself for what happened to Jocelyn, Fred continued to vent all his anger on them until he was satisfied.

He dumped the rod on the floor while breathing heavily.

"I thought about bringing your sisters and get ten of my men to take rounds in having their bodies but then, knowing that this is partially my fault, I will lessen your punishment by leaving them out of it but I promise you, you won't get out of here unscathed" Fred said, those words were from his mind.

He turned towards Dargak feeling exhausted, all of a sudden, he couldn't bring himself to do this himself. He will feel like he is being impartial because he deserves to be punished just as them as he is the one who started this in the first place.

"I am leaving them to you Dargak" he said turning away. Since Dargak has been the one handling issues like this for him for a long time now, he doesn't have to do it himself. Instead, he will choose to go stay with Jocelyn and spend more time with her.

"What should I do with them boss?" Dargak asked. Fred thought about it for a while and let out a sinister laughter.

"It's simple, kill them. Make them feel what it feels like to be in pain, torture them, cut off their manhood until they have no reason to live, give them the worst punishment you can think of,

That which will make them want to take their own lives, that which will kill their souls and leave their bodies to suffer for it" he said, his voice sounding as hard as a stone.

Dargak knows that his boss meant every single word his just said and he is going to take it seriously too. He also kind of feel guilty for what happened to Jocelyn. If only he didn't wake up a little late and saw her after the incident had happened, she could have still been okay.

being homeless is way better than being dead inside of you.

"We are sorry, please forgive us" one of them pleaded not from guilt but for their lives to be spared.
Fred chuckled dryly. He smashed his leg on the man's face and he fell down with others.

"Forgive you you say? Do you know how much pain she is going through? Do you know the amount of damage you have done to that young girl? You must be stupid if you think I will spare you, no one tempers with me and survive it. Deal with them Dargak" he said and sauntered out of the place without looking back.

Fred has more important thing to do than to waste his time with those fools and that is to make sure that Jocelyn is okay.

★ Scott's Mansion★

Mrs Gracia Scott sat on the sofa with the remote in her hand, watching her the news about her son's scandal with a lady.

She had a neutral expression on her face yet, it couldn't cover the sadness in her eyes.

All she does for the past eight years is to watch her son on the television, or his pictures. She can't go near him, she got kicked out the last time she tried visiting his house.

Her own son is treating her like a stranger. If only she can turn the hands of time to make everything right, she won't be despised so much by someone she birthed.

Ever since her son left, she haven't heard or seen him in a scandal with a lady except today. The media believe that he is homosexual.

Then who is the lady? Mrs Scott turned off the television and brought out her phone to go through her news feed on social media.

Fred's picture and the lady was all over the internet. Mrs Scott opened one of the picture thinking that maybe she will have the idea of who the lady might be but nothing came to her mind.

With the way Fred was holding her protectively, she might mean something to him.

Does her son like her?
Mrs Scott slowly dropped her phone on the chair looking into space.

She forgot about the picture, the news and lady for a moment again as he mind wandered to her Son.

She had hurt him so deeply that the hurt turned into strong hatred for her. It's been eight years yet, she haven't for once gotten a glimpse of her Son except in phones and papers.

What is she going to do? Will she ever be given the chance to apologize to him again?

And the lady, will she be of help to her?

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