ɴɪɢʜᴛ - ᴍᴀᴛsᴜᴋᴀᴢᴇ ᴛᴇɴᴍᴀ

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Your POV

'It's getting kind of late..' I thought, walking through the park. I decided it was a good idea to take a night walk in the park, by myself. I could also hear a strange noise, it sounded like someone was kicking something. For some reason, I wanted to check it out, so I did.

I walked over to where the sound was coming from and hid behind a tree, just in case it was a criminal beating someone up. I looked around and saw a boy, around my age, kicking a soccer ball.

'Why's he playing soccer all by himself this late at night?'

The boy had brown hair and it was styled really.. what's the word? Weirdly? It was very unnatural.

'Should i approach him?' I moved away from the tree and slowly walked towards the boy, who's back was facing me. I wasn't even that close to him when he turned around and smiled at me.

"I knew someone was watching me! I was just about to tell you to come out from your hiding spot!" The boy said, pointing at me. I looked around just in case he was pointing at someone else, though I doubt he was because the park was empty. The boy picked up the soccer ball and held it in his hands.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"My senses have become more sharper ever since I started playing soccer, want to try play it with me?" The boy smiled at me. "I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Matsukaze Tenma, I go to the school over there!" The boy, who happens to be called Tenma, pointed to the right of them.

"I'm L/n Y/n, are you talking about Raimon?" I questioned. Tenma nodded.

"You go there, don't you?" Tenma said, staring at the ball in his hands.

"H-how did you know?" I asked in shock, I've never really seen him around before. I've only heard of the name Matsukaze Tenma. I think he was famous because he won some sports competition.

"I always see you sitting by yourself at lunchtime, plus I saw you at the introduction ceremony!" Tenma stated.

"Oh.. I don't really recognise you at all.. I know your popular and all but-" I said before I was cut off by Tenma.

"No need to worry Y/n-san! I don't think I'm popular though, that's more of the 2nd years and 3rd years. All the girls are drooling over them, especially Shindou-senpai." Tenma laughed. I smiled awkwardly at him.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Tenma." I said. There's was an awkward silence between us for a few seconds before Tenma spoke up.

"So, want to play?" Tenma asked. He began to do kick-ups with the ball.

"You see I would but.. I've never really played before." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"No worries, I can teach you! Maybe you can join the soccer club too! As a manager or even a soccer player! I'm sure you'd make a good player." Tenma assured. I nodded and we began to play.

He was dribbling the ball forwards while I sprinted after him, trying to get the ball from him. It took me about 10 attempts to get the ball from him. I was so proud of myself and he was too. He gave me a thumbs up and I blushed a little bit.

"You did it Y/n-san! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed, hugging me.

"T-thank you!" I said. He released from the hug and held onto my shoulders.

"So~ does that mean you'll join the club?" He asked eagerly.

"I'll think about it!" I replied, smiling slightly. He let go of my shoulders and held my right hand.

"It's getting dark, may I walk you home?" Tenma asked politely.

"If you don't mind.." I muttered.

"Then let's go!" He said, walking infront of me.

"Tenma you don't know where my house it.."

"Oh right! You take the lead and I'll follow behind!" I giggled and we walked to my house safely.

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