ʙᴇᴛ - ᴋɪᴅᴏᴜ ʏᴜᴜᴛᴏ

465 11 0

Your POV

Me and Kidou Yuuto are rivals for about, two years now. We're always trying to get better grades than one-another. We would study together sometimes and tutor each other on subjects that we had found hard. I was standing by myself, infront of the board, scanning it. I was checking to see when the next test was.

"Looking for when the next test is?" Kidou asked. I nodded. "It's tomorrow, so make sure you revise." 

"I know! Wanna make a bet! Whoever gets a lower score has to answer three questions truthfully from the person who got the higher score!" I suggest. Kidou thought about it before nodding.

When I arrived home, I studied for what seemed like days, but really, it was only 7 hours. I stayed up all night revising and watching in my phone. I checked the time at it was 7:12 am. I decided to get ready and head to school. First thing we had to do was our exam, I was ready to ace it. 

"I'm going to win this bet, Kidou." I thought, getting out my pen. 


"HUH? A ZERO?" I shouted, holding up my paper. 

"Yeah, you slept through the whole exam." My teacher said. I groaned and leaned back into my chair.

"Are you sure this is the right paper?" I asked, flipping through all the pages. 

"L/n-san, it has your name on it." 

"N-no! My handwriting isn't like that!" I argued, placing my paper on my desk.

"L/n-san I don't have time for this." My teacher walked off and went to his desk. I looked around, hoping Kidou wasn't able to see my paper, but I was too late.

"Zero? That's odd, i thought you'd revise for this test, but clearly not." Kidou picked up my test paper and flicked through the pages.

"Hey give it back!" I snatched it out of the boy's hand and scrunched it up.

"So, about the bet—"

"Oh look at the time! It's time to get to soccer practice, bye!" I said. I quickly stood up and ran out of the classroom. That's when I realised, Kidou was also on the soccer team. 

Once I arrived at the field, I sat next to Aki and talked to her a bit. That's when Kidou showed up.

"Y/n, could i talk to you?" Kidou asked.


"Thanks! Let's go!" Kidou grabbed my hand and dragged me to some weird place. "Did you really think you would get away with that?" 

"Get away with what?"

"Don't think I've forgotten about the bet, so I have three questions." He said, holding up three fingers.


"Number one, who's your favourite player on the team?"

"Uhm.. probably.." I know I can't lie, but I don't want to say it's him. "..Kazemaru."

"Liar!" Kidou said, pointing at me.


"I can tell by the look in your eyes that you're lying, so tell me. Who's your favourite player?" Kidou asked once again.

"You, I guess." I could see Kidou smirk.

"Number two, will you ever join the soccer team?"

"What type of question is that?"

"Just answer it."

"Okay, if I could, I would."

"Final question, will you go on a date with me?" Kidou asked. I froze and my jaw dropped. A date, with me?

"Are you sure that's the right question?" I asked. Kidou nodded.

"Why'd you think I asked you?" I stayed silent. "So.. will you?"

"I.. yes." I muttered. I could see Kidou smile, which is pretty rare if you ask me. He had a little bit of blush on his cheek.

"Wait— does this mean you like me?" I asked, leaning closer to Kidou's face. He became more flustered and moved back, waving his hands around.

"It's not like that! I just want to see if we could be a thing!" Kidou confessed. I smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, I like you too!" I said. Kidou looked like he was about to faint and I just laughed at his reaction.

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