ᴄᴜᴘᴄᴀᴋᴇs - ɢᴏᴜᴇɴᴊɪ sʜᴜᴜʏᴀ

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No one's POV

Y/n let out a cry for help as she slammed her head on the kitchen counter. It was a bad idea to ask Natsumi to help her make cupcakes for Gouenji. There was flour in her hair and the cupcake batter had spilt onto the floor.

"Y/n it's okay, let's just restart—"

"We've restarted five times!" Y/n yelled out in frustration. She then lifted her head and saw Natsumi frowning.  "Sorry." She apologised, Natsumi shook her head.

"Let's ask Haruna and Aki to help out, since clearly none of us can make cupcakes." Natsumi suggested, walking over to the door.

"I think it's just you.." the h/c haired girl muttered. Natsumi made a sharp turn and glared at Y/n.

"What was that?" 

"Nothing~" she said, stretching out the word until she. The girl sighed and quickly cleaned up the kitchen.

The blue haired girl was yelling at Kogure, who was giggling away at the pen marks on Tachimukai's face. He tried to rub it off of his face, but it didn't seem to work. Haruna grabbed Kogure's ear and began to pull at it. Aki was trying to stop them from arguing, but it didn't seem to work. Natsumi decided to interfere as soon as Haruna's head looked like it was about to explode.

"Haruna, Aki! Me and Y/n need your help!" She said. Haruna looked over at Natsumi and tilted her head to the side. 

"With what?" She asked, letting go of Kogure which caused him to fall on the ground.

"We're baking cupcakes." She stated. The two girls looked at eachother and then back at Natsumi. They nodded in sync and began to follow her into the kitchen. Once Y/n explained the whole situation, Haruna began to squeal.

"You're making cupcakes for your crush!!" She squealed jumping up and down and waving her hands about.

"Shhh! Someone's going to hear!" Y/n said and pressed her finger on her own lips. 

"Well then, let's get to work." Aki said with a smile on her face. They began to make the batter and put it in the cupcake tin. Natsumi and Haruna made sure there was enough batter in each part of the tin whilst Aki and Y/n started to make the icing. They made strawberry icing, since it seemed to be one of the flavours he really liked. They also decided to make chocolate icing, just in case. Once the cupcakes were done cooking, Haruna took it out of the oven and placed it on the counter. Then they all swirled the icing onto each cupcake neatly. Y/n and Aki placed them all on a plate. The girls shared a look with each other and began to laugh. They had made a huge mess in the kitchen, again. 

"Let's clean up everything first." Y/n said. Aki shook her head and placed a hand in front of her.

"You go off to Gouenji, I'll stay behind to clean up." Aki stated. 

"I'll help Aki with that, you go and give it to him with Haruna." Natsumi added. Y/n smiled softly at the two girls and nodded. She picked up the plate and the duo headed over to the door.

"That's strange, I don't remember the door being left open.." Haruna muttered. They slipped pass the door and began to head into the dining room. Gouenji, Kidou and Endou were there, chatting away about who knows what. Kidou noticed them straight away, but didn't say anything. Y/n went over to their table and placed the plate on the table. This caught the attention of the two other boys.

"Y/n, Haruna?" Endou said. He then looked over at the plate of cupcakes and his jaw dropped. He reached over to grab one, but Haruna slapped his hand away. "Ouch, what was that for?"

"The cupcakes aren't for you!" She scolded.

"Then who are they for?" Gouenji asked calmly. He then made eye contact with Y/n, causing her to blush and step back, behind Haruna. She only kicked her forward so that she would stand beside her.

"We—" Haruna nudged her and gave her the side eye. "I made these cupcakes for you, because you're a really good friend and I think you deserve them!"

Gouenji smiled and thanked her, before taking a cupcake and placing it infront of him. He stared at irl and looked up at Y/n. 

"Can I share them with these two?" He asked. Y/n nodded. Endou eagerly took a cupcake and looked over at Kidou to see if he was going to take one. Kidou reached his hand out and took a chocolate flavoured cupcake. They then all ate it at the same time and hummed in delight. Well, that's what it seemed like.

"Why's it so.." Endou's face became red and he began to run over to the sink to get water. Gouenji began to cough and Kidou spit it out in a tissue. Haruna and Y/n looked at each other with a worried expression. What had gone wrong? They then heard a familiar boy giggling. Haruna sighed and turned around. She grabbed a cupcake and began to chase Kogure around with it. He let out a cry for help as he tried to dodge her occupied hand from hitting his face.

"Come back here you idiot!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't meant to put chilli powder on it!!!~"

Y/n just sighed and sat down on a chair beside Gouenji. She rested her head on the table and began to groan in annoyance.

"Every single time I try to do something nice, he always ruins it.." she mumbled. Gouenji placed a hand on her back and pat her.

"It's okay, we can make cupcakes together next time, if you like." He suggested. Y/n lifted her head up and her lips curved into a smile.

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