Writer's Notes

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Hi! How have you been?

I was actually slowly writing this story these past few days but to be honest this has no definite plot yet. It's just random thoughts embodied in a fiction.

I know that most of my readers here are fellow DamShik fans. So you know how I'm writing this one hehe I'll leave the visualization to you guys.

A lot has been happening to me lately. As much as I want to detail it here to rant out, I'll stop myself because I really don't feel like it HAHAHA

I'm really floating these days. My mind is chilling high. I'm not taking any drugs btw lol. I'm just really out of it lately. My mind is blank and occupied.

Well not really preoccupied. There was a big event that happened to me, but even so, I couldn't care less. Does that ever happen to any of you? Like you dgaf at all. That's me, rn. So yeah.

I'm just really excited for the Wooga Squad reality show. I'm really hoping there's a lil' scene there where Dami pops into the conversation HAHAHA my mind was actually wandering into fantasies already and there are a lot of fanfic potentials but I'll wait for that to air first before I write anything lol

There was a heartwarming comment regarding The Witch 2 and Nobleman (my fanfic about it). Thank you so much! Because of you, I published this story. Now, I feel obligated to finish this plot. Screw you. JKJK LOL. Thank you for appreciating my stories! So yeah, i was a little motivated to write more even if this is a really rough plot.

I said before that I was thinking of a story about gaslighting and friendship. Yeah. This is the one. I am actually trying to detach the plot a lot from my actual experiences that's why I am taking longer to write. Yep. The story is now super loosely based from my personal experience. This did not happen to me but the premise is quite similar.

I also said that it might take a toll on my mental health if I think about those previous experiences more but hmm... don't worry, I think I'm good. I maybe shedding tears a little as I remember it so this is a slow plot progress (expect slow chapter updating). But I will pursue writing it so I can come to terms even more from that experience HAHAHA what a masochist.

Wooshik looks so handsome coming from the hospital. I hope he's fine. Well, he will be, for sure. I'm just really thankful and I appreciate that he's taking time to share part of his life more now in IG for his fans (LIKE ME!! YEY) he looked so handsome with those sleepy eyes ugh. Can he not make me melt? lmao

Tbh, I miss both of them together huhuhu somehow, the two of them (Dami and Wooshik) separately isn't filling the fangirl void in my heart completely. But at least it's half full. AT LEAST THERE'S SOME KIND OF CONTENT FROM THEM!

I'll float my mind into writing this.
Thank you!!!

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