9. Chamomile

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After some time, I was surprised to learn from people that Harley had left to work overseas. I visited the tea shop to check and it's gone. What's left are the glass windows and signage that is about to be pulled down. I also heard from people that she left Finn behind.

For the first time, she followed my advice. And did not rationalize nor undermine my suggestions.

With this, I came to be reminded that Harley was a good person. Despite her faults and our mismatch. In the end, she tried and cared for me. With this, I came to feel regret on what we've lost. As friends.

But it's fine. After all, it was all for love.

However, I won't rush Finn.
People said he's been miserable lately.
Drinking. Picking fights. Gambling.
I'll give him time to process his feelings.
I know he'll come to me.

We've had history.
He cared for me dearly.
That's maybe why I- I've fallen for him.

And soon enough, I heard someone knocking at my door.

It was Finn.

He reeks of alcohol and cigarettes.
Was he flushing out his stress?
That's fine. I'll comfort him.
Since he already found himself here.
He must've realized it too.
It was us, in the beginning.
It was me.

"Sarah." he calls my name again. And ofcourse, my feelings had elevated. How long has it been since I've heard him call me in that tone again? I was excited and thrilled.

"Finn, come in." I welcomed him as he stumbles and almost trips as he walks inside.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"How do you know Harley?" he asked back. Why does he want to know? Maybe just curious?

"You're drunk. Let's get you sober first." So I did go to the kitchen and tried to check what I should offer after helping him to be seated by my couch.

I was inspecting my beverages and condiments. I didn't know what to offer. "For hangover. Hm? What-" I was murmuring and pondering.

Then Finn said, "For hangovers, drink chamomile tea."

"Ah yes. Right. Right. Coming right up." I answered and began steeping this tea bag.

As I turned to give him the tea, he was already looming down my couch. His tears were falling. I sense deep melancholy from him.

I placed the tea in front of him then he sobbed saying "I just sobered up. But thanks anyway." he was tracing the rim of the cup as if to fidget.

He drank it slowly and asked again, "How did you know Harley?"

"She was- she was a friend. A really good friend. Till we've had some differences. We never talked ever since. Well, not until you- you reunited us." I told him.

"Harley used to have a best friend. I wonder-" he says.

And I immediately interrupted, "Yeah. I was her bestfriend. Till she- we- let's just say the business got in between us. And I needed to- free myself from her."

Finn laughed as if to mock.
Why? Did I say something?

"The tea shop got in between you, huh?" he asks.

What's he pointing out?

He covered his eyes and started sobbing again. Then he whispers, "You were that friend. Harley wasn't lying to me. She really did-"

I'm really not in the mood to talk about Harley so I tried to divert the discussion.

"Enough about Harley. Let's talk about us." I held his hand away from his face. His tears stopped.

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