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Is been a month in a half since the pool party.

Heyy baby said Alicia, how you and the kids been.
Great I met a couple of people out here but it's been nice said Chilli.
Quite but nice .
Just give it some more time said Alicia.
You know TBOZ is walking around here with a chip on her shoulder.
You can tell she miss y'all ALOT.
Keep asking me for your number said Alicia.
Don't give it to her ! Said chilli.
Oh I'm not,.
I think that girl got boz up under a spell.
Chill don't sweat it cause TBOZ lust that girl she don't love her said Alicia.
Well how everyone Elsa ask chilli.
Lenin and Lele is together.
Wait what?.
Yeah yuuup they sure are said Alicia.
Wowwww how that happen.
Girl nothing the same anymore.
Paula still trying to kill both of them said Alicia.
Wowwww said Chilli.
Lisa and boz come walking in the kitchen where Alicia at her phone talking to Chilli.
Chilli can her boz talking.
Is that her ask chilli.
Ummm hmmm said Alicia.
Yeah so we ain't doin nothing down here said Alicia.
You coming down for Lele birthday party.
I'm not sure, I not ready to see boz at all.
Boz look up at Alicia.
AWWW well kiss the babies good bye And take care of yourself and call me for anything said Alicia.
Was that my wife Alicia.
Ummm who ohhh NOOO just a old friend.
Yeah said boz.
Well I know y'all communicate. So tell chilli I would like to see my kids not her. They my kids too said boz.
I don't no why she left , but I respect her wishes , but let me see my kids said boz.
Why don't you and Bianca have some kids ask ALICIA.
What? NOOOO I mean those my kids too .
Chilli and your kids is fine boz trust me she don't have to want for anything with her new job.
She got a new job ask boz.
I'ma respect her wishes too and not give you that information said Alicia.
Yeah ok said boz .
Yeah and I will talk to Chilli about you seeing ur kids . It just she don't want to see you no more.
Why FUCKKK she gone to get it said boz.
Boz you in love with another woman in her face.
I'm not in love with no one Damm.
Well what is Bianca ask Alicia.
Just a good friend, I can talk to her said boz.
I understand.
Don't give me know problem if I get your kids for the weekend said Alicia. Cause they definitely going back to there mother when you done your visit
Yeah alright said boz mad as hell.
Let chilli go and be with Bianca said Lisa.
Chilli my wife .
Bianca is a friend said boz walking out.

Knock knock.
Come in said roz in her study.
Heyy Roz can I talk to you ask boz.
Yeah sure sit down player.
Oh ok jokes said boz giggling.
That the word on the street boz.
You left your wife for a young thing huh said Roz
No she left me and took my kids.
Correction her kids really you didn't carry them said Roz at least that's how the law look at gay relationship and marriage.
Now boz you was over here for weeks before chilli decided to leave. You know this , am I'm right ask Roz
Yeah we just kept arguing nothing seem right to me at the time. I just want some me time for a little bit said boz
Look where me time got you boz
Your marriage. You have to figure it out but you never leave your wife for days said Roz.
I know I just I cought up .
I caught filling for this girl , God she bad too said boz grining.
Yeah that little girl Bianca you talking about ask Roz.
Yeah I can't shake her for nothing.
I miss my family said boz breaking down .
I don't have no idea where they at.
Boz you all over the place . You need to get urself together first and think about what you want.
Your wife didn't leave you she gave up on you.
I know ummmm MMMM cry boz.
Chilli move to Texas .
Her new job gave her a big condo two cars and a good pay .
What do you think about that ask Roz.
CHILL my wife we can work this out said boz.
How, you hook on another woman bad.
No I can break it off said boz.
Boz I was you . I had to learn lust from love.
You lust until it took ur family away and you still don't understand what I'm saying.
If you truly love Chilli let her be cause your not done with Bianca no time soon.
Why bring her back and keep hurting her think about it said Roz.
She my wife to death do us apart said boz .
I see if she let you see the kids for a little said Roz.

What up boz, why you out here by urself ask Lisa.
I need to talk to Chilli seriously said boz.
Lisa please.
Dammm what was she thinking about to just leave ask boz.
She was hurt this time you hurt her bad said Lisa.
You miss her don't you.
Umm hmmm yeah just I fuck up but she never pull this shit before said boz.
I'll call her said Lisa but you remember you not victim you was wrong said Lisa.
Really you had her new number this whole time said boz.
Yuuuupppp she doesn't want you to have it and chilli like my sister too .
Hear it's ringing .
Hello said Chilli.
What up we need too talk said boz .
It went silent for a second.
How you get my .........
Don't worry about that , we need to talk.
They're nothing to talk about said Chilli .
You with Bianca and I move on good bye boz.
Wait my kids said boz
They fine said Chilli.
Texas you in Texas chilli why babe.
Ok don't ever call me babe again.
I got a good job out here said Chilli
I Love you chilli.
It went silent.
TIONNE I seen you .
What? what you talking about ask boz.
The day you took Bianca to the lake . I follow you and watch you make love to her all night and that was my breaking point.
Boz went in shock.
I seen you look at her with so much love like you use to look at me.
Chill babe......
No I seen everything and you is in love with her.
I can't compete with that and I won't said Chilli tearing up.
Chilli I I not in love with her, I'm So sorry said boz I'm so sorry.
I accept ur apologize and I wish y'all two good luck and happiness .
NOOOO NOOOO chilli please said boz.
Boz you hurt me so bad this time . I don't ever want to see you again.
I need space and me time.
I'm coming to get y'all and bring you back we can work on this said boz.
No we can't. You had ur chance to work on it.
You come to my house I'm definitely calling the cops and have you arrested bye bye.
Here your phone said boz and walk away.
Boz what wrong yell Lisa. What happen.

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