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The next morning LELE was cooking breakfast for her family only.
Heyy babe said Paula walking in the kitchen.
Here honey here's ur coffee ☕.
Boz was eating cereal.
What's up cuz said boz.
Nothing much said Paula sitting down .
We got to go and pick up some food in a hour said Paula.
Ok no problem said boz.
Devin and Kevin come eat and bring ur little brother yell LELE.
Hear babe here go your plate said LELE.
Thank cakes said Paula.
What about the other kids.
They can make breakfast for there kids , said LELE
What ! Said Paula when we start doing that ask Paula.
Chilli walk in with her coffee pot.
LELE make Jamal a plate said Paula.
No! I can cook for my own son said chilli making her some coffee..
Boz and Paula look at each other confused.
You making me some coffee chill ask boz fucking with her.
No why would I do that ,said chilli confused.
Boz smirking saying wowwwe where we do this shit at.
What's going on around here ask Paula.
Come boy let me make you some cereal said boz.
Alicia older daughter walk in the kitchen looking for something to eat.
Wake ur mom up so she can feed you said LELE.
LELE ! Feed her right now, and I m not playing yell Paula.
My mommy not here said the girl.
What! Said Paula .
So where did Alicia disappear to ask Paula.
She Left said boz .
Here honey said chilli giving the little girl a bowl of cereal.
She left where ? Ask Paula.
She probably throwing one of her baby fits again said LELE.
You have baby fits more than anybody here said Paula.
Fuck you Paula! said LELE walking out the kitchen.
Bella start crying.
I'll get her said chilli.
I got her said boz getting up to get her .
Chilli roll her eyes at boz.

Roz come walking in with her luggage and gifts for the kids.
Mommy, said Roz older daughter running to her hugging her.
Heyy where the rest of y'all at .
They still sleeping.
Alicia , Alicia sweetie yell Roz.
Mommy not here.
Stop playing go get ur mom said Roz.
Umm it smell good what y'all cook ask Roz.
It's not enough said lele.
You know what , I swear to God we gonna have it out LELE said Paula chasing LELE back in the room.
What she mean it's not enough said Roz.
I don't know mann , I think that they got into it we was lock down said boz.
No for real ,said Roz smirking.
Yeah Alicia I think she left said Paula walking back in the living room.
What , fuck you talking about.
Where she gonna go ask Roz getting upset.
She left took her luggage and said her mom bday in 3 days so she will be there getting a peace of mind said boz.
A peace of what! said Roz giggling a little .
This women is driving me crazy.
Let me call her and make me something too eat
No no chilli can make Roz something to eat, she just got in from two long flight ✈️ said boz.
Boz kiss my ass and tell ur cop bitch to make her something to eat said chilli.
They all stop in shock and steer at chilli.
She was nice enough to let us come up here said boz.
Boz drop dead like the baby you kill said chilli.
Bitch! Yell boz.
Relax it's alright I'll make me something to eat said Roz.
No I can make you something to eat Roz . I have no problem making you something to eat said chilli.
Ok thank you CHILLI said Roz confused.
That's what I thought said boz.
Baby killer said chilli walking away.
Boz get up and kick chilli in the back and made her fall.
Fucking call me that you bitch!
Roz push boz over the table.
Are you crazy! You just put her in a Coma boz ! You put ur hands on her again I myself is gone to beat you to a inch of your life said Roz.
We don't do that here boz you have to control ur anger said Roz.
Boz just stood there mad upset looking stupid.
Chilli runs back out the room with a pipe and struck boz with it twice.
Boz try to grab chilli.
Paula grab chilli and Roz grab boz.
Iiiiiii iiiiiii let me go iiiiiii dead bitch yell boz .
Fuck a Coma , now I'ma kill you and burry with that baby I kick out ur stomach.
Cuz watch ur mouth said Paula.
Roz slam boz down to calm her down.
Are y'all kidding me! I got to come up here to this!  yell Roz .
Get off me , get the fuck off me said boz.
Paula you better get ur cousin.
For she won't be making it back with us said Roz.
Boz Lets go , Lets go get the food , calm ur ass down , it's over Let's go said Paula.
LELE behave said Paula walking out.
Fuckkkk yell boz walking out .

Where did you mother go ask Roz .
I don't know.
Ok let me call her.
Chilli you ok ask Roz.
Yeah I'm good said chilli walking off.
Roz walk in to her bedroom seeing a note on the dresser.
Roz phone ring.
Hello .
Yeah I got the yellow folder and everything taking care of said Lisa.
You good you don't sound urself said Roz .
Oh know I I'm good said Lisa .
Ok good and good job my soldier. Oh yeah I got some construction worker coming over to look at the damage ok.
You in charge Lisa , no body is aloud to come to the compound.
If Lenin show up put a bullet in that bitch.
Okay said Lisa so confused.

Roz pick the letter up that Alicia wrote.

Heyy I left . I really don't fill like explaining myself to you and I won't.
But I do need sometime to myself.
I'll be back for the kids.
You sit there and see how it is to be in the dark alone not knowing what's going on .
I'ma do me. I'll be back in 3 weeks for the kids and my things.
Oh yeah everything will be exposed when I get back
You deal with that since you have to always take care of business.
Not one phone call from you, so please don't call now.
Good bye.
This bitch is crazy, I I'ma get her said Roz upset. Expose what . Ok
Why now Alicia dammm! Said Roz.
She see me calling. ok ok ok fuck this said Roz.

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